Gordon Mosley, Education Services, Juniper Networks

Junos PyEZ

Learning Bytes AI & MLOperations
Title slide that says “Junos PyEZ Example Python Script,” Connect to the target device and retrieve device facts.” There is also a screenshot of code with the title, “hello_world.py.”

Your step-by-step guide to installing Juniper’s Junos PyEZ.

Whether installed directly on a management server or in a virtual environment, Junos PyEZ lets you manage and automate devices running Junos OS. Learn how to set it up in this step-by-step demo from Juniper’s Gordon Mosley.

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You’ll learn

  • How Junos PyEZ uses Python to enable you to manage and automate Junos devices 

  • To install Junos PyEZ in a virtual environment or as a Docker container 

  • How to use Junos PyEZ to connect to a Junos device and retrieve device facts

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Gordon Mosley
Education Services, Juniper Networks


00:00 [Music]

00:11 hello and welcome to the junos pi

00:13 easy learning bite i'm gordon mosley

00:16 with the education services department

00:18 at juniper networks

00:19 let's get started

00:22 after successfully completing this

00:23 learning by you will be able to

00:25 install joondal's pi easy and use joonas

00:28 pi easy to connect to a genos device

00:31 and retrieve device fax let's start by

00:34 learning what joonas pi easy is

00:37 junos pi ez is a free python library

00:40 available from juniper networks that

00:43 enables you

00:44 to automate the management of junos

00:46 devices

00:47 using python extensive junos knowledge

00:50 or juno cli knowledge really is not

00:53 required

00:55 a good way to learn juno's pi easy

00:57 there's a free junos pi ez developers

00:59 guide

01:00 on juniper's website you can also

01:01 download it in pdf format

01:03 it gave me it was a good starting point

01:05 for me to learn simple examples and and

01:07 use cases

01:08 i found it very helpful the idea of

01:11 juno's pi easy is that it can provide

01:13 the same capabilities of the juno cli

01:16 without needing to use the juno cli

01:19 i can use python and juno's pi easy

01:22 to remotely automate the management of

01:25 wider

01:26 range of juno's platforms let's look at

01:28 a joonas pi

01:29 ez installation this example installs

01:31 joondal's pi easy on a cent

01:33 os workstation in the examples i'm using

01:37 python version 3 joonas pi ez will work

01:40 with either python 2

01:41 or python 3. in this example i'm using

01:44 the

01:44 python pip 3 utility because it's python

01:47 3.

01:48 install junos eznc this is the name of

01:51 the python library that pip will pull

01:53 down

01:54 out of the the python package index and

01:55 this installs joonas pi easy

01:57 locally on this workstation it can also

01:59 be installed in a python virtual

02:01 environment

02:02 or it supports being installed as a

02:04 docker container if you prefer that that

02:06 option

02:07 there are some software prerequisites

02:09 kind of based on the operating system

02:11 that you're installing

02:12 you know juno's pi easy on uh so that's

02:15 i'm gonna reference you back to the

02:17 junos pi easy developers guide it will

02:19 list for the supported operating systems

02:21 any prerequisite software

02:23 there were six or seven you know unix

02:26 pieces of software i had to install

02:27 before i was able to run

02:29 the pip3 command to install it but it's

02:31 very easy to do and very quick

02:34 and so this is this will get us junos pi

02:36 easy installed and now i'm ready to

02:38 leverage geno's pi easy to manage my

02:40 junos platforms

02:42 this is an example python script that

02:45 connects to a junos device and will

02:47 retrieve

02:48 facts about the device and print them on

02:50 the screen so we'll be able to see the

02:52 results of this python script

02:54 so let's look at some of these

02:55 components in the script i'm going to

02:57 start focusing on the from statements

02:58 right this is where we import

03:00 we use the from the python from

03:02 statement to import

03:03 python modules so we can use them and

03:06 the example here in our first line

03:07 this is the junos pi easy library and

03:10 this is how it's identified in the

03:11 python interpreter and a python script

03:14 you say from this junos pi easy library

03:17 here jnpr.juniors i want to

03:19 import a device object this represents a

03:22 junos device

03:24 now i'm going to retrieve some facts i

03:26 want to print them on the screen

03:28 i don't have to use the the unix pretty

03:31 print

03:32 library to do that but if i leverage

03:35 this if i import the pretty print

03:36 library the functionality of that

03:38 my output looks better it's formatted a

03:41 little better on my screen and it's

03:42 easier for me to read

03:44 you don't have to use that you can just

03:46 use the standard unix

03:47 python print library if you'd like now

03:50 i'm going to declare a variable called

03:51 dev

03:53 and when i say dev i want to reference

03:54 this device

03:56 object that that is it represents a

03:57 connection to this

03:59 target host so you can adjust the ip

04:01 address here to match your environment

04:03 and test this out now i want to

04:07 use the device object open method this

04:10 is how i establish a connection to this

04:12 target host and then i want to

04:15 retrieve the device fact and i want to

04:18 use pretty print to

04:19 print those to my screen so retrieve the

04:22 device fax

04:24 and then pretty print those to my screen

04:26 and then as a good citizen

04:27 i would like to close the connection i

04:29 don't want to leave that

04:30 connection open the device junos pi ez

04:33 by default

04:34 will connect to this target device using

04:37 secure shell

04:38 and use netcomp right that's a comp over

04:41 ssh connection

04:42 it can also connect to devices using a

04:44 console connection

04:46 or a telnet connection but this is the

04:48 default a netcomp over ssh connection

04:51 i'm also when you connect to a junos

04:53 device you

04:54 have to authenticate before you can

04:56 issue commands you have to authenticate

04:58 when you connect

04:59 and in this example i'm going to use ssh

05:01 keys to do that i'm not going to be

05:03 prompted for a username and password

05:05 that's what this automation stuff is all

05:07 about

05:07 right so i'm going to connect to a

05:09 device now and we'll look again at this

05:11 script and then we'll run it and see the

05:13 output

05:14 and this is what you would see in this

05:16 case i'm running remember python3

05:19 and so i have python3 and then i say the

05:21 name of my script and it just executes

05:24 i'm not prompted for a username and

05:25 password

05:27 and this is the retrieved fax output let

05:29 me connect to a device and we'll look at

05:31 the script and i'll show you that now

05:34 okay here's my cenos desktop where i

05:36 have joondale's pie easy installed

05:38 and let's first take a look we'll use

05:39 the cat utility to look at the hello

05:41 world dot

05:42 python script again the same script that

05:44 we saw on the slide so it's on it

05:46 the script is built now let's run it so

05:48 python3 hello world.pi

05:50 and that's it i just referenced the

05:52 script and here is my

05:54 device fax output and so here's the the

05:58 script we ran

05:59 and then you see the output so this is

06:01 just an example i didn't have to

06:03 manually connect i didn't have to issue

06:05 any journals commands this is the

06:06 equivalent

06:07 of a juno show version command if you're

06:09 if you know much about

06:10 or have any experience with the with the

06:12 juno cli in this example i pulled that

06:14 same information using a python script

06:17 leveraging the junos pi ez library in

06:20 this learning byte we installed

06:22 junos pi ez and we used a simple python

06:25 script to connect to a junos device

06:27 and retrieve device backs thank you very

06:29 much

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