Discover the Latest and Greatest in 100G, 400G, and 800G Coherent and Routing Technologies

Discover the Latest and Greatest in 100G, 400G, and 800G Coherent and Routing Technologies
Join top Juniper experts at OFC 2024 as they share the latest advances in 400G and 800G coherent optic technologies, the industry’s first integrated 100G-ZR solution, and some of Juniper’s industry-leading routing solutions. Find out how Juniper’s portfolio of industry-leading, coherent-enabled routers and optics enable seamless interoperability while enabling customers to operationalize CapEx and OpEx savings of IPoDWDM.
You’ll learn
Latest advances in 400G and 800G coherent optic technologies
Industry’s first integrated 100G-ZR solution
How Juniper’s portfolio of industry-leading, coherent-enabled routers and optics enable seamless interoperability while enabling customers to operationalize CapEx and OpEx savings of IPoDWDM
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0:03 Networks is showcasing the latest and
0:05 greatest in 100 Gig 400 gig and 800 gig
0:07 coherent and routing Technologies let's
0:09 see what we're up to here at the oif
0:11 booth we have Juniper's new PTX 1000002
0:14 36 qdd our 36 ports of 800 gig hosting
0:17 two very interesting demos we've got 400
0:20 gig ZR 800 gig ZR and 400 gig open ZR
0:24 plus Z dbm both the zrs are going over
0:28 this open Line system over 100 k
0:30 of fiber the 400 gig zbm open ZR plus is
0:34 going over 1,000 km of fiber over this
0:38 adran open Line system and I think this
0:40 demonstration really illustrates two
0:42 things right standards on the line side
0:45 Optical standards like the oif and open
0:47 ZR plus allow us to interoperate with a
0:49 multivendor ecosystem without issues
0:51 whereas standards on the host side like
0:53 the common management interface
0:54 specification is what's allowing Juniper
0:57 to host multiple vendors without issues
1:00 and pull live performance monitoring
1:02 statistics so that Network operators can
1:04 mix and match and get the best of breed
1:06 as they wish to do now we're here at the
1:09 ethernet Alliance Booth where Juniper is
1:10 showcasing a number of our
1:12 industry-leading routing Solutions here
1:14 we have the Juniper PTX 102 again
1:17 hosting interfaces from 10 gig all the
1:19 way through 800 gig on the same platform
1:21 which I think illustrates Juniper's
1:23 commitment to extensive use case support
1:25 all those connections are terminating
1:27 here on the MX 304
1:30 here we've got that new ACX 7348 and
1:33 down here we've got the ACX 7509 and I
1:35 think the real highlight over here is
1:38 these guys right here the 100 Gig zrs in
1:40 the qsfp28 form factor which is really
1:43 bringing coherent Optics to the edge of
1:45 the network where we've outstripped the
1:47 capacity of 10 gig and 25 gig
1:50 Solutions this is the industry's first
1:52 integrated 100 Gig ZR solution which
1:55 again illustrates junifer commitment to
1:56 extensive use case support from 100 Gig
1:59 all the way through 8 gig enabling our
2:01 customers to operationalize the capex
2:03 and Opex Savings of Ip dwdm hey welcome
2:06 to uh ofc 2024 and I have Dimitri here
2:09 with me um Dimitri last year there was a
2:13 lot of focus on 400 gig 4 gig coherent
2:16 Optics and clearly it crossed the chasm
2:20 uh what do you see as the main themes
2:21 this year at the show well besides the
2:24 future which is 1.6 ter I can tell you
2:26 at 800 gig is real it's here now so we
2:30 have multiple coherent options we have
2:32 client Optics demonstrated here so 800
2:35 gig is here today that's a main theme I
2:38 think okay great great and so um you're
2:41 talking to a number of customers what do
2:43 they what are they saying their primary
2:46 requirements are for 800 gig systems and
2:48 and coherent Optics well so uh a number
2:52 of things so first of all people do like
2:54 the idea of having one device which
2:56 serves multiple use cases another one is
2:59 OB obiously the performance we migrating
3:01 to the new speeds and you know 28.8
3:04 terab devices what we are demonstrating
3:06 here is responding to some of those
3:07 requirements also sustainability that
3:10 means par consumption over a system like
3:13 overall TCO over a system and also U
3:16 manufacturability of A system this is
3:18 what we are getting as well in response
3:21 to a dmad um besides that uh the uh
3:25 longevity of a system so these platforms
3:27 they will stay in customer networks with
3:29 800 gig for a long long long time it's a
3:31 big investment so and that's another
3:33 important point and finally
3:35 transitioning so last year it was 4 gig
3:38 now it's 800 gig how do we enable the
3:40 transition from 400 gig and lower speeds
3:42 to 800 gig so these platforms need to
3:45 also respond to that great great so um I
3:49 know we had an 800 gig launch uh earlier
3:52 this year um can you talk about what we
3:54 announced in terms of products and and
3:56 the Optics as well well so we do have
3:59 have U several systems announced um in
4:02 uh February and January as well so that
4:05 includes the new PTX systems based on
4:08 Express 5 silicon 800 gig systems and
4:11 the fix on Factor device 28.8 terab the
4:14 biggest in Industry today and also a
4:17 line card for the modular chassis which
4:19 is also 28.8 tab carting either 72 or
4:22 400 gig or 36 800 gig in addition to
4:26 that it's Optics the ultimate enabler
4:28 for those efficiencies where are talking
4:30 about here 800 gig Z this is a part of
4:33 um our launch we did and finally the
4:37 monitoring and management applications
4:39 and the complete portfolio of products
4:41 that you know complement all of those
4:42 you know highspeed devices access and
4:44 aggregation and so on so on thanks
4:47 Demetri I appreciate your time today uh
4:49 if you want to know more about the
4:50 products we demonstrated here at the
4:52 show go to for more details