Jumpstart Juniper—Automation

Understand automation in Junos® operating system with this Jumpstart Juniper primer.
Network administrators: Are you taking advantage of automation in Junos OS? Watch this Jumpstart Juniper video to kickstart your automation process in Junos using DevOps automation tools, protocols, and technologies.
Read, “Day One: Deploying Junos Timing and Synchronization.”
You’ll learn
How automation languages, libraries, and frameworks work in Junos OS
How to run Junos OS scripts on the device
How to automate in Junos with NETCONF and Junos PyEZ
Who is this for?

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1:33 welcome to the jumpstart Juniper video junos automation where we are going to
1:39 go over automation on a Juno's platform let's first start with an overview of
1:46 junos automation why automate there are many reasons to
1:52 automate uh one of them is to eliminate errors as we automate we can find the
1:59 right way to configure up the devices so that they function properly and do them
2:06 over and over again if you have more than one or two devices think about how much time it takes to to
2:14 configure test and verify that a configuration is valid on a device and
2:22 then multiply that by the number of devices you have so this could save you
2:27 lots of time and we know that time is money and so automation could save you
2:32 time and money it enforces consistency across your network you can have all the same
2:40 configurations on all the same devices that you might want across your your network it can also improve security
2:47 because we can gather more data points across the network and correlate them
2:53 quicker and then be able to make changes to our Network way faster than any one person ever
3:00 could this would really help save a lot of time on the administrator's part
3:05 so just an overview here of the junos automation stack we see that we have a
3:12 lot of information here on the screen and it might be a little bit overwhelming but as we go up this this diagram the
3:21 the work gets easier for you so if you're just starting out and you're trying to learn how to automate things
3:28 you want to look at the top of the stack here I like ansible and then learn how
3:34 to use some of their playbooks to create different things for the automation that you want if you're a little bit of a
3:42 developer and already you're comfortable with with programming you can maybe look
3:47 at python Juniper has created a python Library called pie easy to help you
3:54 connect to uh General Juno's devices without a lot of extra code needing to
4:01 be written if you're a seasoned programmer Juniper offers you a whole set of apis that hook
4:10 right to the main processes the Juniper Engineers have the same exact access to
4:16 so that you can write applications just like the junos engineers can
4:21 junos has two main processes that control it junos itself controls the
4:28 routing engine and the packet forwarding engine so the two processes are the Jet
4:35 Services Damon and the Jet Services Damon uh is there for more advanced
4:43 programmers to make actual on or off box applications
4:48 there's also a management Daemon the MGD process and this is what's more commonly
4:55 used to automate junos and this process has the entire CLI built into it so that
5:02 you can automate the Juno's Appliance to do what you would like it to do
5:10 so the MGD manages uh a few pieces here manages the CLI it manages net comp and
5:18 it manages the rest API connections so as you configure any one of these
5:23 they're all going down to the the management Daemon to go ahead and make
5:29 the actual process changes on the junos device the Jet Services process
5:36 allows a common look and feel for all the apis whether you're going to create
5:42 an on box uh development of an application maybe
5:48 you want to set up a new application that creates a new operational mode
5:54 command that brings back information about applications that you want or
5:59 maybe you want to write an offbox application to control this device and
6:05 maybe more devices at the same time you can run you can do this with with the
6:10 Jet Services process the jsd process and the MGD process they
6:17 do all the work but the legs layer up are the apis and
6:23 the apis are those things that tell the processes what to do
6:29 and so we have a bunch of different apis here we have the jet API and the XML API
6:36 that give instructions down to the processes to make changes or to collect
6:44 information now we are going to be using the XML API
6:49 almost exclusively in this video to make changes through the management process
6:55 into the junos operating system the generals XML API Library contains over
7:01 37 000 rpcs within it these rpcs are used to control both
7:09 configuration mode and operational mode commands to be able to see these
7:14 commands you could type in after your CLI command pipe display XML RPC and you
7:23 will find all the RPC commands this way this is a great way for you to test and
7:28 to find uh how are these are these different eight these different API
7:34 calls work and uh you can also then make either on
7:40 box automations or you can make offbox automation using a web browser and be
7:47 able to collect operational mode data or be able to change the configuration from
7:53 your own web application the jet API has two pieces has the Jet
7:59 Services API and the Jet notification API the Jet Services API is what is what we
8:06 use to have access to the control plane on a device and the management interface
8:12 so this is how we would manipulate uh all commands on the device whether they
8:18 be operational or configuration mode commands the jet notification API lets
8:25 us Set uh events up and if that event happens we will get a notification that
8:32 that event was triggered on the device and so we have these two jet API
8:38 services when you have a remote application that needs to communicate with junos you need
8:44 to have a connector to do this and junos
8:49 has a few connectors for XML we have the netcomf connector and the rest API
8:57 for jet API we have the grpc and the mqtt connectors to be able to send
9:05 requests and to receive data back from the device
9:11 netconf is an iets standard so multiple vendors use this for their
9:17 equipment netconf carries automation data for a variety of
9:23 programming language and scripting languages netconf can tell the difference between
9:29 operational mode commands configuration mode commands and just messages that are
9:34 going through there net comp was created specifically for networking equipment to
9:40 automate it netcomp is a great tool for remote
9:45 procedure calls for your equipment the rest API is an API that uses
9:54 typically HTTP or https to communicate with a server there's no state that is
10:02 stored on the server so each query is independent and must be able to be
10:08 authenticated and logged in to be able to work if you're using uh python to use a rest
10:16 API we can use Simple tools like curl inside of there for prototyping and debugging but python also has a library
10:25 now that's included so that it works with the rest apis natively the jweb is
10:33 a web interface for Juno's devices and it uses this rest API to send and
10:40 receive all requests and information back from the Juno process daemons
10:50 TT are used for the jet applications the jsd uses the RPC to talk to jsd and
10:59 to make configuration changes and to collect data now the mqtt is a notification broker
11:07 that sends Telemetry data back to the jet application that is listening for it
11:16 which API is right for you well that depends on what type of application you're going to be making
11:22 depends on your programming abilities it depends on what you are trying to
11:27 accomplish if you're trying to get something up and running quickly then you might want to
11:33 run something that's already built in if you're starting from scratch then you might want to maybe use the jet uh apis
11:41 with the grpc and mqtt if you're building a web application it might just
11:48 be easier just to make everything in rest and go with that so that brings us to the top of our stack
11:55 here at the top of our stack we have our programming languages that we can use
12:02 here we have our jet applications we have our python we have our Ruby and we
12:07 have our rest applications that are there and then on top of that we have tools that are pre-built for us namely
12:14 ansible salt and puppet and Chef these tools are already pre-built and you
12:21 don't need any programming skills to run those you just need to know how to write
12:27 some scripts within their languages to be able to automate many of the tasks
12:32 that you want to do there are many ways to interact with the
12:37 junos here we see just a list of tools that we have that we can use to interact
12:44 with junos each one has its has its pros and its cons and it all depends upon the type of
12:52 application and the type of automation that you are trying to accomplish for
12:57 your setup and for your network the next agenda item is on box
13:03 automation unbox automation on a Juno's device
13:09 has four different types of scripts that you can write the first one is a commit script the
13:16 commit script runs anytime that you run a commit and in this way we can ensure
13:22 business rules are established inside the configuration an opscript is initiated by an operator
13:30 on the device in operation mode and can help with troubleshooting can help
13:36 understand what's going on and even help with configuration an event script happens when something
13:44 happens on the device and you want to run uh some process after that this can
13:52 also help repair a network outage if we are able to program that in
13:59 in an SNMP script allows us to process object identifiers that are not
14:05 supported by Juno's natively
14:11 so Juno's commit scripts these are committed again whenever a com you
14:17 commit your configuration and we use these to enforce business rules so
14:22 commit script violations can generate and display custom warning messages we
14:28 can generate syslog messages we can change configuration to conform to the
14:33 the way that our business rules are and we can even halt the commit operation
14:40 here we're going to go over the standard commit model here we have our candida configuration and when we go to commit
14:47 that we're going to copy that into a checkout configuration and when we have that
14:55 checkout configuration we're going to have the management Daemon run any of
15:00 the validations against it and this would include our scripts that we might write and then if there there's no errors
15:08 we're going to go ahead and set send our checkout configuration and that will
15:13 then become the committed configuration on the junos device here we're going to create a commit
15:21 script for an example and in this commit script we want to have make sure that we
15:27 always have management access to the device and that somebody cannot delete parts of that so that we lose access to
15:34 it and so the first thing we want to do is make sure SSH is enabled we then want to make sure that we have a user named
15:42 jnpr since that's going to be our management user and then each device has
15:47 an IP address configured on the fxp management interface so that we can communicate with it so how do we create
15:54 this commit script here we have our script that we are
16:00 going to create and let's go through it really quick first we need to import some python
16:06 modules to be able to work with the Juno's operating system so this first one we have here contains that post uh
16:13 candidate configuration and so that's what we need so we can we can look at it and see if the right information is in
16:20 there the next piece import JCS contains all of the error messages that come back
16:27 from the commit script so that we know if we have an error and be able to work
16:32 with that and then we have down at the bottom we
16:38 have this if underscore underscore name this just ensures that the script can be
16:43 run as an independent independent module and not have to be part of another uh
16:50 program or another script so the first thing we're going to do is
16:55 we're going to take our Juno's configuration and we're going to move that into a variable called root
17:01 and then what we're going to do is we're going to go and look through root and we're going to search for the X path in
17:08 there to see if under there we have system Services SSH enabled
17:13 and we're going to use this if not command so if we if not
17:18 enabled then we're going to go ahead and say look SSH must be enabled and we'll
17:24 put that error message out and see that jcs.emit underscore error
17:30 is part of that import JCS from above then we're going to go once we have we
17:37 we know that we have our SSH we're going to go down to the next one and we're going to look for the username jnpr and
17:46 so we're going to use that same if not statement and if it is not there then we
17:51 are going to write an error message to the screen saying the jnpr user account must be created
17:58 and then on the fourth one here we're going to look for the IP address on fxp0
18:06 and just make sure the IP address is there now this script is very simple it
18:11 doesn't make sure that uh the the IP address is in the right subnet it
18:18 doesn't make sure that the password for jnpr is correct it just is checking to
18:25 make sure those items are actually in the configuration so we could go and we could write a more complex script to do
18:33 more testing and and create things to make sure that the uh configuration is
18:40 even more correct than what we have here so when we go ahead and create this
18:47 commit script it just because we have a script doesn't mean that it is a commit
18:53 script the commit scripts have to be in a specific directory on the junos device
19:01 and so we need to copy that into the VAR DB scripts uh commit folder
19:08 so that we can run those we also need to set the Python language since we wrote
19:15 Our script in Python there's a couple other languages there's XLT and there's slacks that you could
19:22 write these in but the preferred language now is python uh moving forward
19:27 just because of the many libraries and how common it is in the in in the
19:34 workplace now and so then once we have the uh language
19:39 set we have the uh commit script com copied over into the right location we
19:46 have to set that up and enable the script so set file commit script dot p y
19:52 or for python so that the junos knows that it's there and that we want to use
19:57 that and then once we have done that we can actually do our commit and so we do our
20:04 commit and we see oh we have an error the jnpr user account must be created so
20:09 we don't have that in our configuration and it found that and gave us an error and then it stopped the the commit
20:16 altogether and failed our commit so this is how you can use a commit script to
20:23 make sure that either you're conforming to your business rules or you're conforming to a uh a minimum set of
20:32 standards and be able to help make working with junos a smoother process obscripts can be executed by a user
20:41 who's on the CLI they can be executed when somebody logs in or they can be
20:46 executed as part of another script there's a lot of things that operational scripts can do and these app scripts one
20:54 of them is that we can run a command or a set of commands and bring that back
21:00 maybe to troubleshoot we say look we need to run these four commands we can
21:05 make one uh script to run that runs those four commands and brings back the information but maybe that information
21:12 is too much information right it's got pages and pages and we only need little bits out of that output we can actually
21:20 do that too we can go out and run these commands grab just a little piece of
21:25 information back from each one of those commands and then put them together in a
21:30 report that we can have as as a single report that comes back another thing we
21:36 can do is we can do some configuration with opscripts and we can make sure that
21:41 we when we run the script it would ask questions on the screen and as the user
21:47 inputs information it would go ahead and configure those pieces this helps us
21:52 maintain our configurations the way we want and makes it so the user doesn't need to know junos as well as they might
22:00 need to and we can also monitor devices status and the general operating scripts that
22:08 now work with warning parameters we can get all that information back when we create the Ops script it's very similar
22:15 to the commit script but here we see we're going to import from the device so
22:22 before we were trying to import the configuration and so we're not going to import that anymore we're going to
22:28 import this device from the jnpr.ginos which is the pi from the pi
22:35 easy Library and when we do when we pull in this device we basically pull in a connection
22:42 to the device that we're on we don't need a password or a username we're
22:48 going to assume the authentication of the user who's logged into the device
22:54 who's running the script can we import this device this connection to the
22:59 device and then we want to make sure this runs as an independent module again so we have this if name again
23:06 and then we're going to connect to this device with with called Dev and so again
23:13 we don't need a host name or a password there and then what we'll do is we're going to print out the facts from this
23:20 device so this Dev object gets all the information back and then we want to
23:27 just print out the facts from that object or from the information that comes back
23:36 the app script is very similar to the commit script in that we have to do some
23:41 things to make sure that it's available to be able to run the first thing we need to do is we need
23:47 to be able to make sure we put it into the right directory again but in this case we're going to put it into the op
23:54 directory under script so VAR DB scripts up once we got it in there we're going to
24:01 then tell the system that is there so set system scripts opt file get fax dot
24:08 Pi just like we did before and then we're going to do show system
24:13 scripts we can see that that we have one there that it's ready to go and now we
24:18 can commit and quit that once we have that done we are ready to run this script
24:25 so let's see how we run this so here we go and run the script we just type op for our operational script and the name
24:32 of that file get underscore facts.pi that's the one we moved into that directory and then we see the output
24:39 that comes back we get all the facts about the device right we see
24:44 um who we see who's logged in we see the the routing engines we see the version
24:51 of code we're running so it just pulls back a whole bunch of facts about that device that we are logged into this is
24:59 how we can get in and run those operational scripts the Juno's event
25:04 model allows us to raise events from the
25:09 different uh demons that are running on the device and then we can take those events and we
25:16 can run them through a policy to look for certain events and then have actions
25:22 that we may run with those the event processor is called event D on
25:28 the junos devices and it when when events come in it will hand them over to
25:34 policies to see if there is something that matches so you definitely don't want to get all
25:40 your events mixed up an event is as something that happens on the system
25:45 then it gets identified by an event tag and the attributes that it has and then
25:51 it can be used by an event policy an event policy is a way to control how the
25:58 router Router reacts when an event happens event responses can execute operational
26:05 mode commands to make configuration changes can execute operational scripts
26:10 can even do other event scripts it can upload files it can raise SNMP traps or
26:18 it can just ignore the event altogether event responses can be defined in the
26:23 Juno's configuration or within the event scripts themselves event scripts allow
26:29 you to Define more complex Logic for handling events than what junos has in
26:34 it natively we need to determine the events and the attributes of those events to be able to write these
26:40 policies if we look at our default syslaw's message we can see here we have
26:46 an SNMP trap where the interface went down and we can see a little bit
26:52 information about that the interface name the status if admin status is up the
27:00 operational status is down but these are not the attributes that we need to write
27:05 our policies with so what we need to do is we need to make sure enter our configuration mode under our system
27:12 syslog that we have this structured data command placed so that our logs are in a
27:20 more structured format to give us the attributes we need for our event Scripts and so you'll see here we
27:28 have the same SNMP trap link is down but now you'll see we have this admin status
27:34 is is down and this admin status is what we need to work with for our event
27:42 Scripts now to find out how to look into these
27:47 and find out the things we need there is a website that Juniper has at
27:53 apps.juniper.net syslog explore and this will help us find all those attributes
27:59 that we need so we can write the event Scripts so here's our event policy
28:06 when we have an event policy we have a bunch of match criteria and in those
28:12 match criteria we have to match on all the criteria before we will do the
28:17 action so in this instance we have different
28:23 events that's going to show up and we need to have both of those events in
28:28 this instance show up to do that we can even do event conditions where
28:33 within such an amount of time these events have to happen so maybe here
28:38 event one and two has to happen and then within so many seconds events three and four have to happen also
28:46 but not have events five and six happen so you can write some very complex
28:52 matching criteria on these events you then have the actions you can take
28:58 you can change configuration you can ignore it you can raise a trap uh you
29:04 can do an event script and get that event script then to run
29:10 so these are this is how you'll set up your event policy under the event options uh hierarchy inside the
29:18 configuration mode just like the other types of scripts you need to enable these scripts so that they can work so
29:25 the first thing we need to do is if we have an event script we need to copy it to the VAR DB scripts event directory
29:33 and then we need to make sure that python is enabled as the language if that's the language we built the script
29:39 in then we need to enable that script so you'll go in and do the set file and
29:45 give it the file name inside the configuration just like we've done before but this time it's under the
29:50 event Scripts and then there's something a little different here and that is that we have
29:57 to give this event script a username and that username needs to have the rights
30:03 to do all the options that are in the script that's going to run and so we'll
30:09 give it a username here and let it log in individually
30:15 the last type of script is the SNMP script and what this allows us to do is
30:20 basically make uh custom mibs for our SNMP so we can map unused oids to scripts and
30:30 that way we can then act upon those and do different things um with those oid numbers that come in
30:38 now this can be written in slacks X SLT or in Python we know that we have to put
30:45 our scripts in an appropriate location to get them to work we can put them onto a flash storage
30:53 that is not our main drive on the device to do that we would put a command in
31:00 saying set system scripts load scripts from Flash now the the scripts can either be in the
31:10 hard drive or they can be on the flash storage but they can't be in a mix they have to be on one or the other
31:16 and if they're on the flash storage they have to be in a directory structure called config scripts and then the
31:22 commit op event or SNMP scripts in this way we can have all of our configuration
31:28 scripts on a separate storage device if we would like
31:34 yeah now we will have an unbox scripting demo in this demo you'll see how an opscript
31:40 can be used to easily make a configurations changed without having to get into configuration mode
31:48 this means someone without extensive training could make changes with an opscript and need not understand the
31:54 whole junos hierarchy or how it actually works the opscript can be as complex or
32:01 easy as it might need be needed so if you're concerned that a user might
32:07 not remember everything that might be added those checks can be made inside of the opscript for that in this demo
32:14 though we'll keep it simple and we're just going to show you how an opt strip can be used to easily disable disable an
32:21 interface so here you see a pre-built opscript
32:26 that we've created for you and this was created in the genie application
32:32 environment when you're doing your own development of scripting you want a tool
32:37 that will be aware of the different structures that are required by the programming language
32:43 what the spacing requirements are especially if you're working with data structures such as Json or yaml
32:51 and Genie is an open source tool that you could use
32:56 now for our opscript we're going to be accessing the Box we're going to be
33:03 changing the config and we'd like to know if there's any errors so that we've gone to the Juniper High
33:11 easy High easy library and we've downloaded code that is going to be used
33:17 in this particular application and we pre-loaded it into memory
33:23 so it's ready for us to use this is what the from June jnpr. junos
33:31 library is and we can import certain code modules here we have the device code module
33:38 that's for connecting to devices and then we have the config module and
33:44 that's used for making changes on Juno's devices and then we have the exception module
33:50 that we're going to pull in and which will tell us if we have any problems or
33:56 errors when executing the code and we're going to pull in the JCS and system
34:01 modules also that helps us select information from the use user with
34:07 screen interaction and this allows us to present exit codes for things that might go wrong
34:16 a few things that we have installed here we have uh when we start our application we have a message letting the user know
34:25 the purpose of the script and we're going to ask the user to enter in the
34:31 interface that they want to have disabled and so this is an input stream that so
34:37 people see this message on the screen and will be able to enter an interface
34:42 and it'll store it in the variable interface now we'll also check to make sure they
34:49 put in a interface it's a valid interface now just that this is a simple
34:55 check to make sure they entered something in we could actually write that out to make it a better check to
35:02 make sure they only do it to appropriate interface one that's valid and part of
35:07 the device now we're then we're going to set that
35:13 interface to be disabled and we're going to do that through an XML
35:19 script and so we're going to drill down to our interface and we're going to replace the interface name with whatever
35:25 they entered up there and then we're going to set the interface to be disabled through our configuration here
35:33 now with that done we're going to define a device that we need to connect to
35:38 we'll open that connection to that device then we're going to make changes
35:43 in that process we want to make sure we don't have any errors so we're going to set up a try and accept block to or
35:53 basically we'll stay in this Loop and try and if any errors come out those errors can be reported
36:00 so at this point in time we're going to set up the set up an exclusive
36:05 connection to our candidate configuration we're then going to
36:10 implement the code change through the load and it's going to come from the
36:16 config.xml file that we created up there and then we're going to commit that and
36:23 if there's any problems this will show up as an exception and that would print out on the screen
36:29 otherwise we'll close out the connection and our work is done
36:34 so now that our work is done in the writing the script let's see what it takes to execute that
36:41 script first of all we need to copy that to the junos device
36:46 using SCP or FTP and it needs to be in the VAR DB scripts
36:52 directory so let's check to make sure it's there so I'm going to
36:57 type file list and it's in the VAR slash DB slash script
37:05 scripts slash Ops directory
37:10 and then we see we do see our have our disabled interface file there
37:16 so we have the file there and if we want to look at that we could do a file show
37:21 and look at that file and here you see we have the script that
37:28 we wrote earlier and so it's the right script and it's in the right place so now what we need to
37:34 do now is we need to go into edit into configuration mode we want to do a show
37:39 system Scripts and we don't have any kissing configured
37:44 there so we need to do two things first we need to set system Scripts language
37:52 to be python so it knows to execute the scripts with
37:57 the python interpreter then we need to do set system Scripts
38:03 um op file and then the file name would be the
38:11 disable interface
38:17 Dot py with that done we can go and commit
38:23 and so now when we return to our operational mode we should be able to run that before we run it let's go ahead
38:31 and look at show system commit so we can see all the commits that have been through the CLI
38:38 and so the next thing we're going to do is show interfaces ge003 ters and we see that that
38:45 interface is up and working and so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go run our obscript
38:51 opt disable py comes back and gives me my introduction and says
38:59 which interface do I want so I'll put in ge-03
39:06 and it says loading and committing the configuration changes so now it's done
39:12 so now if we go back and look at that interface it's down
39:18 and we do and I should do our show system commit we can see we have one done via NETCOM
39:26 comp so I can see that it was wasn't made by the CLI so the Off Script is up
39:32 and working and that's our demo our next agenda is off box automation
39:38 netcomf is used for many offbox connections there's other ones we've
39:43 talked about but we want to cover netconf since the majority of remote
39:50 connections to the junos devices will be through netcomf
39:56 so netcomp secures a communication between a server and a junos device
40:03 and allows us to send information receive information and authenticate all
40:08 that information in between this allows us to orchestrate our
40:15 networks from a local server so that we can control all the devices on our
40:22 Network netconf has four protocol layers they
40:28 are content operations messages and transport transport can use SSH SSL TLS or rest
40:39 in junos it uses SSH primarily to communicate
40:46 the messages layer communicates between the netcomp server
40:51 and the client now the RPC will encapsulate all the remote procedure
40:58 calls to the netcomp server the RPC reply will encapsulate all the remote
41:04 procedure called replies from the netcomp server back to the client and
41:09 then a notification is a one-way message that is used to subscribe to a stream of
41:15 data that can get published on the server for the client to watch and to
41:20 listen for the operations layer is very Centric to
41:26 network devices if you can see there on the left we have git config edit config copy config delete config
41:35 um so you can see that this is made to work with a device with a configuration
41:41 we can lock unlock the configuration we can use git to get different information
41:48 from the device uh and then we have closed session kill
41:53 session and these are used to manage the session so each one of these might have more
42:00 information like for the uh config ones we might have different options like
42:06 whether we're going to merge or overwrite the config the content layer contains the rpcs and configuration data
42:14 they get sent to a netcomp server the NETCOM server must have a set of apis
42:21 there to accept these rpcs and to run those junos has two that has the XML API
42:29 and a Yang API the XML API is what we are going to be
42:36 using what's nice about a lot of this is passive transport layer messages
42:41 operations and content are all in clear meaning they're not encrypted so it's a
42:48 lot easier to follow and keep track of what is happening in these sessions as
42:53 we are trying to create them so you need to configure junos to accept
43:00 netcomf and this is under the system services so we do under system Services
43:06 we do this set net comp SSH so that we can have SSH sessions carry the netconf
43:13 to us and then you can start a NETCOM session by just typing in netcomf at the CLI
43:21 command we can go ahead and see the permissions used during that we we go ahead and see
43:28 that we're logged in as lab and that's a class J super user
43:34 we see the com compatibilities or options the netcomp server supports
43:40 and we have a session ID for this netconf and then we have a terminal
43:47 signal letting us know that we can go ahead and add some net comp rpcs to this
43:54 session at this point we will now have a netconf demo in this
44:01 demo we're going to see an interactive net comp session in action so so we can
44:09 see how to take our PCS that we can learn from the device and get the XML returned for an output
44:17 if you're connecting to a Juno's device using netcomf it's good to understand the information that's submitted and the
44:24 information that's returned so that you can properly process it so we're going to take a moment to look
44:31 at netconf and see what we can do with it with the junos device
44:37 so we're going to start off with an SRX device and we're going to look at a couple commands we're going to do a show
44:46 interfaces ters at g001 interface
44:53 and what we're going to do is we're going to do a display XML
44:59 and what this command does is it's going out to the server
45:04 getting the information and returning the data so this is the returned data what called
45:12 this data was the RPC and we get we can see the RPC commands
45:20 that was used to submit this information what we can do is we can copy that RPC
45:27 information which was submitted by the CLI to the XML API
45:33 and I can then start a net comp session so to start netconf I can do a question
45:39 mark and netconf is not there it is a hidden command so you can just type it
45:45 in so we get type that and get an international interactive connection to netconf and so then what I'm going to do
45:52 is I'm going to copy that RPC information in and so now look I get the information
45:59 back that I got back up here so when I submitted that command with
46:09 XML so you can see how netcomf interacts
46:14 with the system and you can go in and play around you can take any command and
46:21 look at the XML and look at the RPC and then you can cut and paste those rpcs
46:27 into netcomf and get the same results when you're completed with the netcomp interactive session you can use Ctrl D
46:35 to get out text agenda item is ansible
46:40 okay ansible is an open source management
46:45 tool that accelerates the the deployment of our infrastructure it was originally
46:53 created for cloud and compute modules it's been expanded now to include
46:58 networking devices also as well provides an independent operation meaning that it
47:07 only changes the things that need to be changed you write it and as the script
47:13 and say this is how I want the device to be this is the state I wanted to be in if the device is already in that state
47:20 nothing gets changed if the device is not in that state then you'll go through and change it if you've already ran it
47:27 once and then something changes and you run it again it will change it back to the state that it was in
47:32 ansible can be used with your git servers your Jenkins servers and your ansible servers to create a devops model
47:40 for your configurations so that no matter what happens you're prepared to
47:45 deploy the latest configuration to your devices normal ansible operation is when
47:52 we send the python modules over to the servers that we're trying to modify the
48:01 servers actually run those python modules right on them using their own python scripting language that's built
48:08 onto them and then they will just delete those once they are done with those so
48:14 when we go to run these uh they run on the device now Juno's used to not run
48:22 python on the device itself and so we couldn't do that and so when we work
48:27 with junos ansible what it does is it actually runs the python script on the
48:35 device itself and uses netconf to through the apis to work with the XML
48:42 API to make the changes on the Juno's devices and so these are the two different ways
48:49 that ansible will work uh one with systems where they get copied over and the other one with junos were the the
48:56 actual python modules run on a server and use netconf to communicate using
49:03 ansible you do not need to be a programmer and that is because of the
49:09 modules that are created for ansible there are two different types of modules
49:16 that ansible can use for junos there's the ansible module library and this is
49:22 officially supported by ansible and is created by ansible and the community it
49:29 ships with ansible it comes with a supported in ansible Tower which is an
49:34 online subscription base to ansible's law and it's free as long as you have less than 10 hosts
49:41 but it relies on the NCC client in the python library to connect to the devices
49:47 to communicate with them the other library is the ansible Galaxy
49:52 and this is the modules that we've been playing with with juniper Dodge Uno's role these roles are pieces of re
50:00 reusable code for ansible that perform a common task
50:06 this is supported by Juniper and by the community and it is it takes a separate
50:12 installation to put these on your ansible and this relies on Juno's pie
50:17 easy to operate here is a list of the modules in the ansible library and the
50:23 ansible Galaxy library for the Juniper Dot junos rule roles
50:29 but as you see the ones in the ansible library and the ones in the ansible
50:34 Galaxy Library are very similar and do a lot of the same things the ansible
50:41 library is maintained entirely by ansible you there's a link down the bottom that shows all the modules that
50:48 work with junos but the ansible Galaxy ones are updated
50:54 and maintained by a juniper and so as Juniper grows their pie easy Library
51:01 this Library will grow and be more up to date probably than the ansible library
51:08 but you'll need to decide which Library you want to use for yourself
51:15 so let's talk about building up an ansible environment the first thing we need is we're going to need a control
51:20 server to run ansible on now this can be either Linux it can be Mac OS X or it
51:28 can be BSD and so you can pick which one you want to run there you do need to have Python
51:35 3 8 or greater and then you can go and install the latest ansible version by
51:43 going to this guide and finding out which version you want to to download or
51:49 we can use pip and do pip install ansible and install that right into our
51:55 python uh structure and then what we need to do is we need
52:00 to install the pi easy libraries and the jxml libraries
52:07 and so here's two more commands the PIP install Juno's e-z-n-c does the pie easy
52:15 and pip install j XML e a s e we'll go
52:21 ahead and install uh the XML to work with junos
52:26 and then we need to install the ansible Galaxy roll so we can do ansible Galaxy
52:33 install Juniper Dot junos and then we need to make sure we have netconf configured on the junos device
52:40 underneath of the system services and make sure that netconf is running SSH
52:48 and then you have you can have your environment set up the next thing you'll need to do is create an inventory file
52:55 this inventory file lists all the hosts that you're going to manage with ansible
53:01 and as you see over in the list here uh the default file is in the ETC ansible
53:08 hosts file and we see we have a vmx1 and a vmx2 and we can have as many devices
53:15 as we want there these devices need to be able to resolve to an IP address so
53:21 if you're going to set it up this way you're going to need a a DNS entry for
53:28 vmx1 and for vmx2 so that they will resolve to a IP address but then as you
53:36 see down below here we have a group called vmx underscore devices and it's
53:42 in the brackets and then we put the devices that we want in that group now you can have as many as you want in the
53:47 group we only have the two devices there so that's why there's two there but you can have as many groups as you want and
53:54 and so depends on how you want to set that up you might have a hundred devices
53:59 and 10 different groups that you're trying to manage the different things with it just helps us be able to make a
54:07 single call and it'll call each device inside of that group
54:12 ansible templates they're yaml documents so you need to understand how yaml works
54:18 yaml it's case sensitive and it uses spaces uh for the structure so we don't
54:26 want to use tabs we want to use spaces and it's a two spaces and so we need to
54:31 make sure we always have the spaces right or yaml might misinterpret how the
54:36 file is actually there a yaml document always starts with three dashes at the top and you can always
54:44 make comments with the pound sign so strings do not need quotes unless
54:50 they include special characters within their their structure and we need to
54:56 look at how we map things and how sequences work within the documents
55:04 yaml mappings are sets of key value Pairs and they consist of a name
55:10 followed by a colon and then a space and then the value that you want to tie to
55:16 that so there must be a space after this colon to make it work here's some examples like name space colon space Bob
55:24 height space colon space six foot these are the key value pair so when I look up
55:31 name I'm going to find Bob and when I look up height I'm going to find six foot yaml sequences are more of a list or an
55:39 array of data and the sequence items start with a dash so there must be a
55:45 space after that Dash so here's our example Dash space Apple Dash base
55:50 orange Dash space banana and in that we
55:55 are making a list that we can call if we need to inside of an ansible Playbook
56:05 all right let's go ahead and make our first playbook for ansible and we're
56:11 going to actually name it first underscore playbook.yaml because it's a yaml file and you'll see we have our
56:18 three dashes there at the top that says that hey this is a yaml file and then we
56:24 have some other code in here so let's go through this code real quick this code is what we would consider a
56:31 play and it's a grouping of the tasks that a host is going to perform now this
56:40 Playbook just has a single play in it on a single host but you can make multiple
56:46 plays on multiple hosts in a single file so let's go ahead and look at this one
56:54 here so we have our play name which is first
57:00 play and we have our host file entry this is
57:05 the host that this play is going to run against is vmx-1 now remember we have to
57:12 have vmx-1 in that hosts file so that we can
57:18 resolve the name to an IP address and make that work
57:24 we also show here that we are going to be using the ansible Galaxy libraries
57:31 that are created and supported by Juniper so we have the Juniper dot junos
57:38 there uh underneath the rolls so they're just telling us which libraries are we
57:44 going to use then we have this vars prompt section
57:49 this vars prompt section is basically variables that are going to go out and
57:56 display on the screen so that you can have user input from the screen as this
58:03 play runs so here we have a name called username so the username is our variable
58:10 name the prompt is username that's what's going to display on the screen and then we have private as no meaning
58:19 that we're going to see what we type on the screen the next one is we have device password
58:25 and that's again the variable name we have prompt is device password so device
58:32 under space password is what we're going to see on the screen when it runs and then private is yes meaning we're not
58:39 going to see anything on the screen as we type in the password
58:45 we then come down once we have that we have our tasks and here we have two
58:51 tasks the first task is going to go over to uh the device the vmx1 device and
58:58 it's going to ask for the um facts for the device basically a
59:05 bunch of information about the device and add a username and password and send
59:10 those over to the device and so here we have our user and see inside there we
59:16 have the username and the double brackets and we have the device password and the double brackets because those
59:21 are variables that we got from the vars prompt section of the code
59:28 and then once we get that information we're going to put that into a register
59:33 called Juno's facts and then down here on the debug on the message we're going
59:39 to display that on the screen and so this is our very first ansible Playbook
59:46 that we have well now that we've let's go ahead and run this Playbook and so we do ansible
59:53 Dash Playbook first underscore playbook.yaml if he pops up and says hey what is the
59:59 name we say lab what is the device password it's lab one two three but that
1:00:06 should not have shown up in the way that we had that uh typed in if you'd have
1:00:12 said no it wasn't private then you'd see it just like that then the first play begins and the first
1:00:19 play says okay the only one the only device I'm going out against is vmx1 and
1:00:24 that first task there says oh yeah I can I can talk to vmx1 and have opened up a
1:00:31 connection and then the next task there is to print those Juno's facts so the first task went out got the information
1:00:37 this next one's going to print it and so you see a bunch of information there basically XML format showing all the
1:00:45 different information that it's getting back from the vmx one device so we've
1:00:53 completed two tasks that says they're down at the bottom but we didn't make any changes on any of the hosts that we
1:00:59 have and so our changed is zero let's take another a look at another playbook
1:01:05 in this Playbook we're going to use a group to define the hosts that we put
1:01:12 into the host file that we showed we're also going to use a new module called
1:01:18 Juniper Juno's command and this will allow us to type actual commands right
1:01:23 into the yaml Playbook here to be able to run a command and then we will grab
1:01:30 the output from that command and bring it back and put it into a register and then we were going to use the debug
1:01:37 module to display that register so that we can see the output
1:01:42 here we have our hosts and we have our vmx devices and again remember that had vmx1 and vmx2 in there
1:01:50 we also have our Juniper Juno's command line here saying that this is the module
1:01:57 that we're going to use and that module we're going to use is going to take a command so here's show
1:02:05 interfaces ge000 or 1 and have it be terse
1:02:12 and show that output we're going to take that output and stick that into the CMD
1:02:18 output file or or register and then what we're going to do is we're going to take
1:02:24 that into the debug module here and display that information that came back
1:02:30 from our junos device so let's see let's run this and see what
1:02:37 it looks like so here we have our ansible Playbook command again and we're going to say
1:02:44 um we're gonna say retrieve interface state yaml which is the name of our Playbook
1:02:50 and it asks us for our username and password again and then it's gonna show
1:02:57 us that it's going out to vmx1 and vmx2 and that they both replied
1:03:02 and then it's going to print the results it gets back from vmx1 and vmx2 and so
1:03:09 here you see the requested output that comes back uh to our our screen and is
1:03:16 displayed and so we can see we have ge000 ge001 and they are both up and
1:03:23 running so we get to see all that information we also did see down here in the in the
1:03:29 recap in the play recap that vmx1 had two tasks and vmx2 had two tasks and
1:03:36 completed both of those ansible has a module called the Juniper
1:03:44 Juno's config and this little module allows us to retrieve our configurations from a
1:03:50 device load configurations onto that device we can roll back configurations we can commit configurations we can put
1:03:58 exclusive locks on the configuration and private mode locks on the configuration
1:04:04 we can use XML we can do set commands text or Json format config information
1:04:12 uh and so we have extensive documentation available at read the
1:04:18 docs.io down here at the bottom there's a lot of things we can do on that load
1:04:23 configuration we can load either just a merge or we can load override you can do
1:04:29 both the types of loads on this all right so here we have another
1:04:34 Playbook that uses that retrieve configuration module that we just talked about on the last slide
1:04:40 here we're gonna go to vmx1 again just to the one device and what we want to do
1:04:46 is we want to use this Juniper Juno's config module to actually grab the
1:04:52 configuration and bring it back and put it into our register
1:04:57 but we don't want the entire configuration so what we want to do is use this filter parameter to only get
1:05:04 back the interface configuration hierarchy and so if you look over here
1:05:10 on the right hand side we have the we're using the Juniper Juno's config module
1:05:18 and we say retrieve committed so this is our active configuration from our our
1:05:25 devices and we're going to filter on the interface hierarchy and so again this is
1:05:32 the configuration the active configuration and we're going to get the interfaces hierarchy to come into there
1:05:40 and then what we're going to do is we're going to take and put that into this register called response and then down
1:05:47 here in the debug we will call that response dot config underscore lines and
1:05:53 display those so this is our Playbook we have let's go
1:05:58 ahead and see what it looks like when it runs so we run the Playbook
1:06:04 ansibleplaybookconfig dot get yaml we log in with our lab in lab one two three
1:06:11 again and this time we're just going to go out to vmx1 and we see that we connect there
1:06:17 on the task and the next task is we print out the information from the
1:06:22 configuration from just the interfaces command and you'll see here that we have
1:06:29 the interfaces uh configurations come back and so that makes it
1:06:38 um and so we see that this is a great way
1:06:44 to go ahead and grab the configuration we see down here in the play recap again
1:06:50 that we've completed two tasks we went out and retrieved the committed
1:06:56 configuration and then we displayed the committed configuration
1:07:04 okay here's our ansible demo but before we get started I just want to
1:07:10 bring up a fact that you're not going to start working with ansible by just
1:07:17 opening up a text editor and starting to build documents for ansible
1:07:22 there's a lot of examples out on the internet that you can go start from and bring those in from you might as well
1:07:29 use those instead of starting from scratch so don't be afraid to go out and do a search and find a script that's
1:07:37 already doing what you want it to do so that you can bring that in and have a
1:07:43 starting point to start from you can then modify it expand that into whatever
1:07:48 you want it to do in this demo we're going to go in and
1:07:56 use a single Playbook so there's one play but there's four tasks within this
1:08:01 play that will be execute against two machines and in here we're going to demonstrate some of the ansible Galaxy
1:08:09 modules that are download as part as juniper.junos so you're going to see
1:08:15 working with juniper underscore junos underscore
1:08:20 facts that Juniper underscore RPC the Juniper underscore junos config
1:08:29 and here we can only read a config and we're going to change the config so
1:08:36 we're going to see some good examples in this demo here's our ansible Playbook It's
1:08:44 contained within a file called ansible Dash demo.yaml and we can see that it's
1:08:49 a yaml file because we have the three dashes right at the top that designates that
1:08:55 and then next we have a sequence number which is a dash on the and we right
1:09:01 before the name called ansible demo play is the name of our play
1:09:07 there's only one play but we have four tasks in here
1:09:12 but it's important to note that as a yaml file the hierarchy is defined by
1:09:18 spaces so you'll notice that you have two spaces indented
1:09:24 below the name and then you have two more for four spaces under the rolls or
1:09:32 the Juniper dot junos hierarchy so sub-hierarchies are more spaces and
1:09:39 if you had to go further these six spaces and that indentation needs to be there
1:09:45 so after the name we have hosts and the host entry is a vmx devices
1:09:52 and the question is what are those devices what do they Translate to
1:09:58 and so what happens is this represents an entry in a file and what is this file
1:10:05 well when I run the ansible Playbook if I use a dash I I can name whatever file
1:10:12 I want and this would be an entry in that file if I don't add an add an entry
1:10:18 with a dash i then by default it's going to go to the Etsy ansible host
1:10:25 file and when we look at that file we can see that we have we have a vmx1 in
1:10:32 these hosts and then we also have a group that we can have
1:10:39 then we can tell it's a group by the braces and the group name is vmx devices
1:10:47 so what we saw in the Playbook is that the vmx underscore devices and it
1:10:53 represents vmx1 and vmx2 and so when we use the one group name
1:11:01 we're going to play We're going to run the Playbook against both of those devices that we had there
1:11:07 and there can be more than two hosts in this group we could have many different groups and many different hosts within
1:11:13 the group a key point though these names they need
1:11:18 to be resolvable to an IP address so where does that come from so and this
1:11:24 one come from you know our our localhost file and we here we see that we have we have
1:11:32 vmx1 and vmx2 have resolved to an actual IP addresses within our
1:11:40 name host file so the next thing we need to do is look
1:11:45 at the roles and we see it represents juniper.junos
1:11:51 and that means we're going to use those modules that came from the ansible Galaxy
1:11:57 juniper.junos modules that were downloaded from them
1:12:03 the next one is a connection which is local and what the connection local means is that the Playbook will execute
1:12:11 locally so we'll make a connection to the device run the code
1:12:16 and but we're not going to copy the python module down to the device itself
1:12:22 we're going to run it on the local machine and then gather facts equals no
1:12:28 because when ansible starts up it wants to connect to the device to retrieve basic information about the device and
1:12:35 display as part of the output but we're going to be doing that anyways and so we
1:12:41 don't need to do that as part of ansible here now the next section we have is vars
1:12:46 underscore prompt and this gives us an opportunity to set
1:12:51 up our prompts and what we might want information to be entered into As We Run
1:12:58 The Playbook and then we can use that information in the Playbook so here's
1:13:04 one of the things that's being asked as username and so we'll be prompt for username
1:13:10 and then the value or the variable is username The Prompt that's going to show
1:13:16 up is username and we'll see that on the screen here the private of no means that we're not
1:13:23 going to you'll see when we type it in now the next one is for the password so
1:13:29 we have this device password which is the variable The Prompt will show device
1:13:34 password on the screen so that they'll know what to type in there and then the
1:13:40 keyword is private means that what they type in will not be displayed on the screen
1:13:47 this brings us to our tasks these are the different things we plan to do with
1:13:53 this playbook for this play we have four different tasks we're going to do our
1:13:58 first one is to get Juno's device information now to do that what gets us
1:14:06 this information is this is this Juniper Juno's facts from the ansible Galaxy
1:14:13 module that we downloaded and when ansible connects to a device
1:14:19 and connects to connects to device and executes that it will get the system information and bring it back and store
1:14:26 it back into a register called junos facts
1:14:33 now how did it connect to the device you will see here we have the username and the device password well those are those
1:14:40 variables that we used in the prompts and we asked them to type that in and it
1:14:47 stored it that stored it in the username and device password variables that we're
1:14:54 using down below and so we can call those down below
1:14:59 notice as a variable username is encased in two braces on each side plus quotes
1:15:07 same with the password so these are going to be passed to the
1:15:12 device when this task is run and then the information that's restored will be
1:15:17 returned to Juno's faults and then by using the ansible debug
1:15:22 capabilities we can drill into that variable to junost.fax and look for
1:15:29 facts to the version and then we can extract the version of
1:15:36 the code on the device now the question is how do we know that
1:15:41 that's there that's built into that that's where the documentation comes
1:15:46 into play we really need to be able to have that documentation and be able to read that
1:15:52 we're going to need to be able to look those up and to be able to find those and find out how to use them
1:15:58 so that's our first task our second task here's what we want to
1:16:04 do is show the versatility of ansible so we're going to do it a little bit differently so we're going to look for the version
1:16:11 number from the execution of an RPC call so to be able to execute this we're
1:16:17 going to use another module called Juniper junos RPC again this is still
1:16:24 from the ansible Galaxy download and so then the RPC we're going to feed it to
1:16:30 our PCS we're going to say git software information and just like before we're going to send
1:16:40 this command over to the device and we'll give them the username and password through those variables
1:16:47 remember both of these tasks will be run twice once against vmx1 and once against
1:16:53 vmx2 because of our use of the group and then the results will come back into
1:16:59 a register called RPC underscore response and then when I want the the results to
1:17:06 be printed I go into the debug capabilities and under that I put the RPC response I
1:17:14 can drill down the hierarchy and look for parsed output and I want the
1:17:21 software information Juno's version and then I'll receive that version
1:17:26 number and display it on the screen the next task we're going to do is going
1:17:33 to be to going to extract whatever I'm going to configure in the services configuration
1:17:39 and this is where we configure things such as SSH telnet or web access into a
1:17:46 device so I want to be able to see what we have there so we want to be able to bring that in
1:17:53 and look that and be able to print that out so we go into the Juniper underscore junos config module
1:18:01 again we're going to give the username and password and we're going to see the active
1:18:08 configuration and so that's the committed configuration there and then we're going to filter under
1:18:15 system Services hierarchy inside of junos and I just
1:18:21 want to retrieve that so we'll put this filter in there to get just that piece if I didn't put the filter in there I
1:18:28 would get the entire configuration from this committed when I retrieve that it'll take the whole configuration in
1:18:35 then I'm going to store that into the git comp response register and then I'm
1:18:42 going to go ahead and print out those config lines that I got back and our last task that we're going to do
1:18:49 we're going to configure we're going to modify the login Banner
1:18:55 so we're going to actually change the configuration
1:19:00 and so we're still going to do that under the Juniper underscore junos config
1:19:06 or still give it the username and password so we can connect but now we're gonna do is we're going to
1:19:15 load this execute a set command
1:19:20 and so our format is going to be as a set command we when we config we wanted
1:19:26 to have an exclusive lock and we want to commit our work so we set that to true and so our actual command will be set
1:19:34 system login message and this will be different than the normal one that we have
1:19:41 and then once we're done we want to save that to a register and that way we can take a
1:19:48 look and then we can see the difference we can see the difference between the old line and the new line with this
1:19:56 Command right here and so that completes the task portion of this and that's our ansible Playbook
1:20:04 so the last thing to do here is just to run the Playbook so let's go into our
1:20:10 command line and type in ansible Dash Playbook and then we're going to put in the
1:20:15 ansible Playbook here's the ansible dash demo.yaml and then if we had if we didn't have the
1:20:25 host file we would need to add a file in here for an inventory file so we could
1:20:31 put the dash i and type in an alternate inventory file but we don't need that
1:20:36 we're going to use our normal one and so we'll go ahead and hit enter and it asks for our username we go ahead
1:20:44 and put our username ask for our password and we type that in and now it's going to go and run those
1:20:50 tasks against the two different mxs there'll be output that comes out from
1:20:57 each of the tasks and displays on the screen parts from those debug commands
1:21:02 that we asked it to put out onto the screens so we need to wait just a few more seconds for that to wrap up and complete
1:21:09 those tasks and so now all the tasks are completed so let's go back and take a look at this
1:21:17 so the first thing we can see here is that it it we got the verse task one
1:21:23 against vmx1 and vmx2 and then it came back with the version information from both of those from the
1:21:31 junos facts facts dot version and so we see that that came from vmx1
1:21:37 and vmx2 and they both completed successfully the next one was the issue the RPC command
1:21:45 to do the same thing and so we see again it came back with the RPC response and
1:21:53 we have the same 18.1 on both of the vmx
1:21:58 so this was just two ways to get the same results and then we wanted to read the services configuration
1:22:04 so notice here that vmx 2 and vmx1
1:22:09 and it it swapped them so here we see one two one two
1:22:15 reason for that is that ansible sends out all the tasks to all the machines
1:22:20 inside the group at one time and whoever responds back first it will get entered
1:22:26 in there so it doesn't matter which one comes back first or which one comes back second if we had three they could all be
1:22:32 in different orders each time we run it doesn't matter here we look at our services and we see
1:22:39 that we see we have SSH and we allow root login allowed we also have net comp
1:22:46 you'll notice that vmx1 printed its services first but you'll see vmx2 came
1:22:51 in first it doesn't matter it's going to print the order in which they come in no matter who responds first
1:22:57 we can see what other configurations are and so to make the changes we'll see
1:23:03 that down here we'll see that the change went on vmx2 and vmx1
1:23:09 and we gave it a new Banner so we look at the difference
1:23:15 and so yes those that line was added with the little plus there
1:23:20 and so that we can see everything that happened on that so now when we look we can say okay look
1:23:27 at the play recap okay and then you look over and it tells how many tasks eight
1:23:33 tasks were completed and we have those eight because we had the four of them but in there we got information
1:23:38 retrieved it and then we displayed that information and so each one of them was actually two tasks and next we have how
1:23:46 many things changed through our configurations and so there we have our
1:23:52 ansible responses there to our Playbook everything occurred successfully and we
1:23:58 got all the information that we wanted our next agenda item is Python and Pi EZ
1:24:07 let's see what we can do what you what you can do if you know a little bit more
1:24:14 now you might be asking yourself do I really need to learn a programming language is that going to help me as a
1:24:21 network engineer automation is going to become a huge thing so we need to learn a little bit
1:24:28 more there's a many reasons why python is a great choice for a network engineer to
1:24:34 learn it's a fairly simple language but yet has a lot of power behind it in the
1:24:39 things that it can do not only that but a number of python libraries already exist they can help you with network
1:24:47 automation making python a powerful automation tool now you can also extend customized tools
1:24:55 like ansible and salt with custom python modules
1:25:00 knowing programming can help you understand how existing tools work by reading the source code and lastly you
1:25:08 can treat your infrastructure holistically as code instead of a per box basis
1:25:15 if you need to Learn Python because it has a lot of benefits what exactly is it
1:25:20 well python is a high level application Level programming language my high level
1:25:26 means most of the hard work interacting with the underlying system has been
1:25:31 taken out of the equation for you so when you write your code you can
1:25:37 write straightforward code and tell your system what you wanted to do and all the
1:25:43 underlining complexity is handled for you so you don't have the controls that you
1:25:49 might have in C or another programming language but that's replaced with the ability to that have the ability to
1:25:56 learn it faster and get it to work quicker so both python for other things that you
1:26:03 wanted to do people have developed modules and libraries that you can add to python
1:26:10 that can help you specialize in certain areas for example Juniper has created
1:26:16 the pi easy library that takes a lot of the complexity out of connecting and
1:26:22 interacting with juniper devices so you don't need to learn that fewer commands means you can be up and
1:26:29 running faster now there's many different features they can be supported and so you have
1:26:36 multiple programming paradigms which is part of the Python paradigms and python
1:26:42 runs on many different platforms so you have that so here's a simple script and this is
1:26:50 not a complete script there's no code here on how to connect to the devices but some we're going to go over some
1:26:57 basic structure and how it works and we'll walk this through as part as an example when the code is complete
1:27:03 Python scripts are saved with the dot py extension but let's look at some of this
1:27:10 code one of the first things we can see at the very top is what we call a shebang
1:27:17 it's a pound sign exclamation or a pound sign bang and it's called a
1:27:23 shebang this tells python when it's followed with the path to python that you don't
1:27:30 have to launch that dot py extension by lot typing Python and then the name of
1:27:37 the file you can just do a DOT slash and the name of the file and it knows where
1:27:42 to find python because of this shebang this is very common to see in Python
1:27:48 scripts next you see this pound sign followed by this is a comment well
1:27:55 anytime we put a pound sign to the front that makes the rest of the line just a comment this system of being able to put
1:28:02 a pound sign and then the rest line is a comment makes it really easy to add comments in our code and we should
1:28:08 comment our code both for us and to help others that might have to help look
1:28:13 through our code at a time that tells us hey what are we trying to do with this next next section of code now another
1:28:21 thing you can do is you can create variables in lower level applications in
1:28:27 programming languages you have to define the data types and the information
1:28:32 that's going to be stored in that variable in Python you just create the
1:28:37 variable and the system will determine what type of data you're going to store in there and in that case we're going to
1:28:44 store two interface values ge000 and xe100
1:28:51 then we're going to use that in a for Loop so we want to do something for a
1:28:58 number of times for interface in my interfaces and this
1:29:03 means that my variable interfaces has two variables so we're going to look at
1:29:09 the first interface value first and then the next one and this is going to control the program
1:29:16 code that's going to follow right beneath it and I know it's a flow
1:29:21 control process because I end it with a colon and that means I'm doing some flow
1:29:27 control programming here so very simple now when I do a flow
1:29:33 control the code that follows within the four next Loop needs to be indented by
1:29:39 indenting here by four spaces it shows that this code is subjected to
1:29:47 the for Loop so anything that's indented the four spaces will be part of that
1:29:54 control statement and once it's not indented like the print statement that is outside of the
1:30:01 for Loop now within the four next Loop we have an
1:30:07 if conditional statement if this statement is true then do this
1:30:13 if it's not then do this and if that's not true then do this
1:30:18 so it's a conditional if and because it's conditional it also has a colon at
1:30:25 the end so it begins the condition because it's a conditional statement
1:30:30 then the work I want done within that initial statement is indented as you see
1:30:36 here and so here we're going to print some information here depending on which if statement we take
1:30:44 for those print statements you'll see that the percent s in each print
1:30:50 statement how does that get populated it's a variable it's an unknown variable inside
1:30:56 the print statement how does it get populated well that interface on the
1:31:02 back because up at the top it's four interface in my interfaces so that
1:31:07 interface will be ge000 for the first run through so depending on which
1:31:13 comparison it hits that interface will be populated into that percent s
1:31:20 now you can have multiple variables in your print statement and multiple variables at the end now the first one
1:31:27 would go into the first the second goes in the second and so on so it's pretty straightforward when you're when you
1:31:33 look at the structure and now when we're at the end here we don't have any variables so this will
1:31:40 print the string at the end of the report that the that we're finished testing once you finish writing your
1:31:46 script and save it as a DOT py file you're ready to test it in order to test
1:31:51 a python script you have to make sure you have the executable permission on that py file itself you can check that
1:31:59 in Linux using the ls command if you have executable permissions if
1:32:05 you haven't CR included the shebang at the beginning of the script you'll have to use the keyword python
1:32:11 before you type in the file name of the dot py file if you have should use the shebang
1:32:19 and given the path of to the python directory in the file you can use the
1:32:24 shortcut by using the dot slash and the file name and it will run the python
1:32:30 script that way as well when you save your code as a DOT Pui
1:32:36 file it's not ready to run in the python virtual machine
1:32:41 python is an interpreted language and as such no compilation is required on your
1:32:48 part but the code has to be translated into a form that the python virtual
1:32:53 machine can read so that dot py file that you save was
1:32:59 run through the python interpreter and a pyc file is created so to be able to
1:33:07 send to the python virtual machine this byte code is then given to the
1:33:13 python virtual machine and it's executed in runtime module when
1:33:18 it's finished the process is stopped and the code is no longer running
1:33:25 the python on-box scripting has been evolving and changing over the the few
1:33:31 versions here we started with version 16.1 to have python on the Box on the MX
1:33:38 and qfx models as of 19.4 we view on the
1:33:44 box with python3 and we support the full range of Juno's devices we also support
1:33:51 the full range of scripts the commit event opt and SNMP Scripts
1:33:57 Juno's OS evolve got full Python 3 support and released
1:34:03 21.1 R1 even though python is a high level
1:34:09 application programming language that hides a lot of the complexities of
1:34:14 things of what things need to be done by lower level programs there are some things that can take quite a few
1:34:20 commands to do like connecting to as specific vendor's equipment and
1:34:26 exchanging information with them that's specific to those devices to make the
1:34:31 job easier when dealing with juniper products Juniper has developed Pi EZ it
1:34:38 is a tool that makes it easier to work with juniper devices and exchange
1:34:45 information with them they've hidden all that extra work from you your commands
1:34:50 can be simpler and more straightforward and give you better integration between the two products so Pi easy is a
1:34:57 separate tool that has to be installed and it works with any junos device
1:35:03 running junos 11.4 or later and it supports netconf telnet console
1:35:09 connections it can parse the XML RPC outputs it knows about loads and commits
1:35:16 and how to handle those it has file systems utilities so Pi EZ makes your
1:35:22 job connecting to Juniper devices using python a lot easier
1:35:28 here are some ways Pi EZ can help automate your network one of the job responsibilities of a network engineer
1:35:35 is to perform some sort of network audit a common way to com perform this audit
1:35:42 is to open an SSH terminal each device run commands to look at the hardware look at the firmware versions and then
1:35:49 take all that information and manually populate it into a spreadsheet Pi easy can easily connect to Juno's
1:35:57 devices collect the data and store the information in the ready-to-use format
1:36:02 once Pi is ZZ program has been written there's nothing more to do than to run
1:36:08 the program and let it run another way to use Pi easy automation is when
1:36:14 updates to the network are needed sometimes a change in one part of the network can have unexpected consequences
1:36:21 in another part of the network it can be difficult to predict what will happen by capturing the state of the
1:36:27 network devices before a change and then comparing it to the state of the same devices after the change you can quickly
1:36:34 bring the issue to light without automation to help highlight these differences troubleshooting this
1:36:41 type of issue can consume a lot of resources in time Pi EZ makes it easy to collect this
1:36:48 information and display it in the right way pie easy can even help in the repetitive
1:36:55 tasks such as bringing up new circuits when adding new circuits there might be
1:37:01 more information needed than an IP address other options may be needed and must be entered to conform to corporate
1:37:09 policies when these types of tasks are performed manually a piece of information might not be included or an
1:37:15 input error could occur that would result in a network issue Pi EZ can make it easy to automate
1:37:22 configuration deployments the automation can make sure all the required information is entered and the address
1:37:29 is right before changing the configuration this frees up Engineers to perform other tasks while reducing or
1:37:37 eliminating errors we need to prepare our junos devices so that they can work with pie easy
1:37:45 pie easy usually connects through net comp over SSH using port 830.
1:37:52 we need to make sure that that is turned on on our junos device which we'd use under system Services hierarchy the set
1:37:59 netcomp SSH command we can also use a standard SSH Port if
1:38:04 we want to we could also use a Serial port or a telnet they're also supported but
1:38:11 typically we're going to use SSH to do this the scripts that we're going to run with
1:38:18 pi EZ we need to have certain permissions to run those and so when we
1:38:25 log in we need to log in with a user that has those correct permissions to
1:38:31 run those now for a lab it's not too bad to send
1:38:37 passwords over the the wire but usually you do not want to send passwords over wire even if it's encrypted with SSH so
1:38:45 it's great if you want to make some SSH public private keys for your production
1:38:51 use to be able to access your junos device we use Pi e z in your Python program the
1:38:59 code module you'll want to use will need to be imported these modules are part of the pi easy
1:39:05 Library at the beginning of the Python program you will use the from statement and
1:39:11 reference the pi easy Library using jnpr.junos next you'll enter the keyword
1:39:19 from with the name of the module you'd like to import which module you import is
1:39:25 depends on which application you need the device module represents the junos
1:39:31 device and allows you to connect to and re and retrieve fax from the device the
1:39:36 exception module lets you take certain actions on errors that might come back from the Juno's
1:39:43 device the utils module handles software installation and copy operations and
1:39:51 configuration management the op module helps you take output from
1:39:57 an operational command and filter out the pieces that you want now Juniper Networks has extensive
1:40:04 documentation for all the modules and how to use them
1:40:11 no matter how big of a application you're trying to create with python there's some structure that we're going
1:40:18 to need to do if we're going to ever if we're going to connect to uh Juno's devices and in this case what we need to
1:40:26 do is the first thing is we're not going to need to import our PI easy Library so
1:40:33 we say use the keyword from and say from jnpr.junos import device and again that
1:40:41 device allows us to connect to Juno's devices we're also going to import P
1:40:47 print or pretty print and this will allow us to make output just look a
1:40:53 little bit better when we use this command the second thing we're going to do is we're going to create a variable and
1:41:00 we're going to use the device object and put all of our hosts in there with their
1:41:06 authentication information and so here you see we have vmx1 with
1:41:12 the username and password now we could add multiple hosts inside of there into
1:41:17 this Dev device but here we're only going to have one we're then going to use this Dev
1:41:23 variable and use the open command to open a connection over there using the
1:41:29 credentials over to the junos device once we have the device open
1:41:36 we're going to perform the tasks we want so here we are saying we're going to use the dev variable again for that device
1:41:44 and say hey look we want to bring back the facts for that device just the hardware information and different
1:41:50 things so we're going to say Dev dot facts and then we're going to say we want to put
1:41:55 that into a pretty print so we print that out and so that is our task there
1:42:00 on step four the fifth one is we need to close that connection down so that we aren't
1:42:06 interrupting either any other connections or doing anything else so we close that down it frees up the
1:42:12 resources on our device that are holding that Connection open
1:42:17 to make script writing easier Pi EZ has a context manager that takes on the the
1:42:24 responsibility of opening and closing the connection automatically to invoke the context manager write your device
1:42:31 class connection information as before but instead of storing the information
1:42:36 in a variable you're you're going to use the command with at the beginning of the
1:42:43 line and include the as variable name at the end here the variable name is Dev now
1:42:49 you can perform your tasks directly with the open and close statement will be
1:42:55 handled by the context manager the previous code to open and close are
1:43:00 still there but just for demonstration purposely they're being they're commented out the script produces the
1:43:07 same result as before when it is executed writing more sophisticated scripts that
1:43:13 can interact with junos requires a deeper understanding of the different Pi easy modules
1:43:20 the utils module is a directory within the pi Z package that contains a number
1:43:25 of useful modules first there is the config module which provides classes and methods for
1:43:32 deploying Juno's configuration templates the fs module provides methods to manage
1:43:38 the junos file system the SCP provides methods to copy
1:43:44 software images or other files to remote devices start shell module provides methods that
1:43:52 operate the BSD shell level on a junos device
1:43:57 and the SWR software module provides classes and methods to upgrade Juno's
1:44:03 devices the config module is one of the more widely used modules it is used to manage
1:44:09 configurations configurations can be deployed as either structured or as unstructured structured
1:44:17 changes allows yaml files to be used to deploy the changes unstructured changes
1:44:23 can be submitted using XML or Json or other structures
1:44:28 or it can be actually changed as set commands ninja templates which are not covered in
1:44:35 this video is another way to add flexibility to your scripts by allowing you to generate device specific
1:44:42 configurations that can dynamically adjust to different IP addresses interfaces and other variable data
1:44:50 to interact with the Juno's configuration you'll need to have access to it within the script when you connect
1:44:58 to a device using the device class use the dev variable as input to the config
1:45:03 class object and store that result into a new variable this variable now
1:45:10 represents your connection to the candidate configuration file now you're able to perform various actions on the
1:45:18 configuration you can lock it you can load new configurations you can roll
1:45:23 back you can rescue you can then you can commit it and unlock it
1:45:30 here we're going to take what we talked about and add something new as well exceptions exceptions allows the script
1:45:37 to react when a line of code does not execute as planned rather than just stopping the script and you being left
1:45:44 wondering what happened you can put code into what we call a try accept block
1:45:50 in the try portion of the code errors are reported if they occur and the code
1:45:56 will take an action based on the error the error that you want to check for are
1:46:01 defined in what in your accept statements when an error matches an accept statement and error is generated
1:46:10 our script review will start at the first line here is our device import
1:46:16 Juniper dot Juno's import device and this allows us again to communicate with
1:46:21 the device the next line is our Juniper Juno's utilities for and we're going to import the config
1:46:28 piece so that we can import and work with the configuration then we're going
1:46:34 to go to the exception juniper.junos.exception and import all
1:46:39 possible exceptions it doesn't mean we're going to use them all we're just going to import them all so they're in
1:46:45 memory then we can go to our main block of code where we see our try accept block
1:46:52 which is a flow control statement which we can tell because there's a colon at
1:46:57 the end and the underline items that are indented that will be controlled by this
1:47:05 we can then go to find the connection information for our device then we can
1:47:10 open our connection and then we can use that open connection to extract the candidate configuration
1:47:18 and then we can put that into a variable and then we can use the methods of that
1:47:24 config object and lock our connection to the candidate config load a change into the candidate config
1:47:31 in this case we're going to be merging bgp Dash config.conf file we could do a replace
1:47:38 or override also but here we're just going to merge it into our configuration
1:47:43 we're then going to commit it and then unlocking the file now we'll print out a configuration
1:47:50 applied message back to the screen and if everything is done properly we'll jump to the finally section and close
1:47:57 the connection but if there was a problem if there's any issues along the way then the accept
1:48:03 block would kick in and based on the error that we encountered it would
1:48:10 depend on the message that would be returned here we've built out some accept options and depending on the
1:48:17 error that comes back it depends upon which one of these we're going to use so the first one here is it says if there
1:48:23 was a connect auth error then we're going to print authentication error
1:48:29 we can also print timeout errors and other different types of errors
1:48:34 another thing we can do is we can do a connect as error the as keyword allows
1:48:39 to save the exception object to a variable and so we're going to save that to the
1:48:45 error variable name now when we go to print out we can do this print command
1:48:51 and have a percent s in there for that that unknown variable and that unknown
1:48:57 variable will then print out whatever the string is in the error message that we get handed back and this allows us to
1:49:04 give more information back to the screen for the user finally at the end we have the finally
1:49:12 command this block is always going to be executed whether the exception happened
1:49:17 or not what so if the try worked it's gonna it's gonna happen if an exception
1:49:22 got pulled it's still going to happen so here we can put our Dev Dot close so that no matter what happens we make sure
1:49:28 we close out that device connection so using a text file is not the only way
1:49:37 we can change the configuration we can actually just put the text inside of a
1:49:42 variable here you see that we have the text for an interface and it's just
1:49:48 inside the variable data we're going to take that data that file and we can load
1:49:54 that onto the configuration here we also see that we have a configuration
1:50:01 with a pdif which command shows us the differences between the original file
1:50:07 and the new file and so that we can have that show us basically what the same that the same output as a show Pipe
1:50:14 compare command can so we can see which changes were actually made on the device
1:50:21 here we can do an if statement on a commit and so this way we know that if
1:50:28 the commit worked we'll go ahead and forward but if the commit fails and has an error what we're going to do is we're
1:50:34 going to do a rollback back to that configuration that we were just at so that we can keep moving forward well
1:50:42 we've reached the end of this course and we're so happy that you've taken time out of your busy schedule to be with us
1:50:49 to learn more about Juniper Networks and the junos operating system we sure hope that you have found this
1:50:56 very useful but you might be thinking well what's next now that I'm done with this course
1:51:02 attend another jumpstart Juniper class you can sign up at the URL on the screen
1:51:08 we have six courses right now that cover junos please watch for more jumpstart
1:51:14 Juniper videos coming soon another fantastic resource is the learning portal at juniper.net
1:51:21 there you'll find a lot of resources that can help you one of those is the Juniper open
1:51:27 learning Juniper open learning is for certification and to help people get
1:51:33 started with their certifications Juniper open learning has live seminars where you can ask experts questions
1:51:40 about the things you might need to know about the certifications they also have some online videos that
1:51:47 you can watch that go over the certification information and help you
1:51:53 learn the things that you need to know they also have practice tests you can
1:51:58 receive vouchers if you pass those practice tests to receive a discount on
1:52:03 your test that you need to take to become Juniper certified so make sure
1:52:09 you check out Juniper open learning another thing is the learning paths that you can find on the learning portal the
1:52:15 learning paths help you decide which track is best for you is it security is
1:52:21 a service provider Enterprise what things do you want to learn from Juniper
1:52:26 Networks On The Learning portal you'll also find all the on-demand courses from
1:52:33 the course development team from Juniper Networks they have many courses for you
1:52:38 to take on the different technologies that Juniper Network provides so that
1:52:43 you can learn and grow in the path that you want there's also a list of class schedules
1:52:50 for scheduled classes that are led by an instructor last of all is the all access
1:52:55 pass this all access pass allows you to take any course the Juniper has this all
1:53:02 access pass is a yearly subscription for you so that you can take as many classes
1:53:08 you'd like throughout the year it's a single price and it also comes with a
1:53:14 few perks and one of those perks is that you can take an actual class from one of
1:53:20 the class schedules so you can take the on-demand course and then you can actually take it from the
1:53:27 instructor so that really helps you be able to find the path that you want to
1:53:32 take Juniper Networks has created a certification path just for you
1:53:38 this certification path will help you distinguish yourself amongst your colleagues that you know how Juniper
1:53:46 Networks operates and how to design and maintain networks built by Juniper
1:53:53 Networks equipment there's four levels within the certification path that you can take
1:53:59 there's an associate level a specialist level a professional level and an expert level
1:54:04 at each one of these levels you get to show how much you know about Juniper
1:54:10 Networks operating system and devices each one of these certifications can run
1:54:17 within a different track Juniper Networks has seven tracks that you can pick from to show your
1:54:25 Proficiency in Juniper network devices and configurations
1:54:30 these tracks are service provider routing and switching Enterprise routing
1:54:35 and switching data center Juno security Cloud Automation and devops data center
1:54:41 Wan security design so there's a track for you to be able to
1:54:48 move forward and show that you are proficient with Juniper Networks devices
1:54:55 thanks again for attending our jumpstart Juniper course today