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Viewing VFP Statistics

You can view the VFP statistics from a Web browser. The displayed statistics are not absolute counters; they are relative to the start of the HTTP session and start as all zero counters.

The RPIO Stats and Hostif Stats sections provide statistics about the internal communication between the VCP and the VFP. The RPIO session uses ports 3000 and 3001 and the HostIF session uses port 3002.

The Port Stats section provides statistics about the packets received from and transmitted to the NIC interfaces.

  • There is a receive (rx) and transmit (tx) line for each port. Port 0 maps to the ge-0/0/0 interface, port 1 maps to the ge-0/0/1 interface, and so forth. rx0 displays statistics for packets received from port 0 and tx1 displays statistics for packets transmitted to port 1.

  • Errors are miscellaneous errors reported by the physical layer NIC.

The Ring Stats section provides statistics about packet processing.

  • There is an I/O thread (io) for packets received from a port.

  • There is a Worker thread (wk) for each CPU core.

  • The host interface (host) sends protocol packets to the VCP.

  • The queue processes the packets. The columns provide this information about the queues:

    • The Producer and Consumer columns display the source and destination that generate packets for this queue. The values can be io, wk, tx, or host.

    • The Priority column displays the priority of the queue. The values can be Normal or High (only for control packets).

    • The Free and Used columns display the queue occupancy. The queue has 1024 entries.

    • The Enqueues and Dequeues columns display the number of queue operations.

    • The Drops column indicates whether the queue is being drained fast enough.

To view the statistics:

  1. By default, you cannot log in to the Web browser window without configuring the username and password credentials and enabling HTTP access.

    From the VFP console, configure the username and password by invoking the /home/pfe/riot/ -setpass command.

    To enable HTTP access, invoke this command.

  2. Navigate to http://vfp-mgmt-ip:8080/, where vfp-mgmt-ip is the management IP address for the VFP VM.
  3. When prompted, enter pfe as the username and the password configured in Step 1.
  4. View the statistics displayed in the browser window.
  5. After troubleshooting, you can disable HTTP access to improve security with this command: