January, 2020 Release
New and Changed Features: January, 2020
Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
Juniper Sky ATP now supports multiple virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instances per logical domain. The VRF instance name or ID is unique for each logical domain and is used to uniquely identify the infected hosts. Each virtual instance:logical domain combination is unique and can be assigned to a sub-realm in Juniper Sky ATP. The user or a managed security service provider (MSSP) maps that combination to a corresponding realm.
[See Flow Management in SRX Series Firewalls Using VRF Routing Instance, Configuring Security Policies for a VRF Routing Instance, and Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Group.]
Third-Party URL Feeds
You can now enable URL feeds for third parties in the Juniper Sky ATP Web UI. Navigate to Configure > Third Party Feeds > URL Feeds and enable the URL feeds.
Detailed Threat Information in E-Mails
The Juniper Sky ATP alert e-mail for an infected host now includes the source and destination hostnames or IP addresses, threat level, details of the downloaded file, and the login URL to check the details.