show kubernetes
show <option>
show kubernetes status
show logs service <service>
show logs pod <podname>
Display information about the Kubernetes service.
version |
Display the version of installed software bundle. |
service |
Display the list of all application and infrastructure services. |
crds |
Display the crds information. |
node |
Display information about all the Kubernetes nodes. |
node top |
Display the Kubernetes top node based on resource utilisation. |
Kubernetes status |
Displays the health of rke2. |
pods |
Display information about all the Kubernetes pods. |
pods list |
List all Kubernetes pods. |
pods list <service> |
List all the pods of a Kubernetes service. |
pods top |
Display information about top Kubernetes pods. |
pods service <service> |
Describe all the pods of a Kubernetes service with a separator. |
pods pod <podname> |
Describe a Kubernetes pod. |
pv |
Display the persistent volume information. |
pvclaim |
Display the persistent volume claims information. |
network-services |
Display the Kubernetes service information. |
stats |
Check the status of Kubernetes utilization. |
Required Privilege Level
CLI Administrator
Sample Output
$ show pv 2025-01-08 11:49:20 UTC NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE block-storage-pv 75Gi RWO Retain Bound atom-storage/block-storage-pvc block-storage-class 22d pvc-580cd0ab-9096-40dd-bd4e-074e5c191449 8Gi RWO Delete Bound atom-la-message-bus/datadir-0-kafka-la-controller-0 logs-analytics-kafka-sc 22d pvc-7661924a-1bc6-4ea6-b783-873ccfcbc3ef 8Gi RWO Delete Bound atom-cache/redis-data-redis-master-0 apps-redis-sc 22d pvc-944f89c9-030e-4480-8e65-61fd6a45031d 32Gi RWO Delete Bound logging/opensearch-cluster-master-opensearch-cluster-master-0 logs-analytics-opensearch-sc 22d pvc-9c42db00-9352-4c2f-ba52-86787b27e7a0 8Gi RWO Delete Bound atom-message-bus/datadir-0-kafka-controller-0 kafka-sc 22d pvc-9d5b8c0c-f9ca-4ebc-b04a-c232eebf01c5 20Gi RWO Delete Bound secmgt/csm-6889d6965-7jjsl-storage-for-log-export local-path-csm-sc 28h pvc-a2d6d092-1038-4cfa-9e48-f4a5cb641698 1G RWO Delete Bound atom-generic-db/storage-volume-patroni-0 patroni-sc
show kubernetes
$ show kubernetes status 2025-01-08 11:39:08 UTC rke2 is running bootservice: error: false message: Service has completed successfully. metadata: app_version: 1.0.02692 systemd: error: false module: bootservice services: [] kubernetes: error: false message: Service is active. metadata: app_version: v1.26.10+rke2r2 kube-system: [] systemd: error: false module: kubernetes services: []
$ show pods
$ show pods list 2025-01-08 11:50:50 UTC NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE atom-api-gateway ambassador-5d5bbf596d-ts86k 1/1 Running 12 (28h ago) 22d atom-cache redis-master-0 2/2 Running 16 (28h ago) 22d atom-generic-db patroni-0 1/1 Running 8 (28h ago) 22d atom-iam iam-65996cdbbd-xb55t 1/1 Running 0 28h atom-la-message-bus kafka-la-controller-0 1/1 Running 12 (28h ago) 22d atom-message-bus kafka-controller-0 1/1 Running 7 (28h ago) 22d atom-storage storage-647bdccb9-bsdq8 1/1 Running 0 28h auditlog auditlog-74468d69c4-fjp8x 1/1 Running 1 (28h ago) 28h certmanager cert-manager-577d7c95d-49jc6 1/1 Running 8 (28h ago) 22d certmanager cert-manager-cainjector-799c78465b-wxn5x 1/1 Running 8 (28h ago) 22d certmanager cert-manager-webhook-5c6b799cdd-7cdqz 1/1 Running 8 (28h ago) 22d emissary-system emissary-apiext-786f774fc4-p22g5 1/1 Running 15 (28h ago) 22d ems dcs-db6bf779c-bzzzh 1/1 Running 0 28h ems dcs-db6bf779c-lctgr 1/1 Running 0 28h ems devicemanager-5c86bf86d-9ghqf 1/1 Running 0 28h .........
Release Information
Command introduced in Juniper Security Director Release 24.4.1.