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Add Rules in a Content Filtering Policy

About The Task

After you create a content filtering policy, you can add rule(s) to the policy to define the filtering criteria. You can configure Juniper Security Director to filter the traffic based on file types and direction.

To add a rule in a content filtering policy:

  1. Go to SRX > Security Subscriptions > Content Security > Content Filtering Policies (New).
    The Content Filtering Policy (New) page is displayed.
  2. In the Rules column, click Add Rules beside the policy in which you want to add rule(s).

    If rule(s) already exists for the policy, the number of rules in the policy are displayed in the Rules column.

    The policy overview page is displayed.
  3. Click the + icon.
  4. Enter an alphanumeric name within 29 characters for the rule. The name can contain colons, periods, slashes, dashes and underscores.
  5. Select the rule group to which you want to associate the rule. You can also click Create Rule Group to create a new rule group.
  6. Select the direction of the traffic to be inspected.
  7. In the File Types column, click the + icon, select the file types that must be filtered, and then click OK.
  8. In the Action column, select the action that must be taken on the filtered file types.
    • No Action-No action is required.
    • Block-Block and drop the connection
    • Close Client-Close the client connection
    • Close Server-Close the server connection
    • Close Client And Server-Close the client and the server connection
  9. In the Options column, perform the following steps:
    • Enable the Event logs toggle switch to enable logging for the filter.
    • Enable the End user notification toggle switch to notify users when content is blocked. You can also configure a custom notification message within 512 characters.

      The End user notification toggle switch is enabled only if you select Block in the Action column.

  10. Click the tick icon.
    The rule is created and is nested under the rule group in the policy overview page. You can create multiple rules under the same rule group or different rule groups.
What's Next
  1. Assign the content filtering policy to a content security profile. See Create a Content Security Profile.
  2. Select the profile when you add or edit the required security policy rule. See Add a Security Policy Rule.