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About the Session Page

To access this page, click Monitor>Logs>Session.

You can use the Session page to view the details of the traffic logs that are generated by managed devices.

You can view the traffic logs that are generated in the past 24 hours. These traffic logs are used to debug certain events such as creation of sessions, deletion of sessions, and update sessions. You can also view the traffic logs for firewall and other security deployments.

The following examples indicate the types of logs that the Session page displays:


  • APPTRACK_SESSION_CREATE/CLOSE and other APPTRACK volume update events

  • Juniper Security Director automatically regulates log traffic to prevent system overload. If the system capacity exceeds the threshold for logs per seconds, the system drops some of the logs. As a result, some logs might not appear on the Monitor > Logs > Session page. To ensure system health, check the Administration > System Management > System page to verify that services are running, CPU memory is sufficient, and storage space is available.

  • You must enable policy logging to view the traffic log data, and AppTrack at the zone level to view AppTrack logs. For Secure Edge deployments, AppTrack is enabled by default and cannot be enabled or disabled.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • View a graphical representation of traffic logs for a specified time range in the Time Range widget.

    The X-axis represents the defined time while, while the Y-axis represents the number of traffic logs.

    Use the slider to decrease or increase the time range of the traffic logs. You can also select from predefined time ranges such as 5m, 10m, 20m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 16h, 24h, or Custom.

    If you select Custom, you must specify the dates and time range in MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS 24-hour or AM/PM formats to display the traffic logs for a specific period.

  • View information related to traffic logs. See Table 1.

  • View similar traffic logs. Select a traffic log, and click Show exact match to view similar logs.

  • Group the traffic logs based on the options available in the Group by field.

    For example, you can group traffic logs that are based on the destination country and the destination IP address.

  • Show or hide the columns that are displayed on the page—Click the Show Hide Columns icon at the top-right corner of the page, and select the columns to display in the grid.

Table 1 provides information related to traffic logs.

Table 1: Columns on the Session Page




The time when the traffic log was generated.

Generated by

The device that generates the log.

Event Name

The event name of the traffic log.

User Name

The name of the user.

Source Country

The name of the country from where the event originated.

Source IP

The source IPv6 or IPv4 address from where the event occurred.

Destination Country

The destination country name from where the event occurred.

Destination IP

The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address of the event.


The accessed URL name that triggered the traffic log.


The event category of the traffic logs, such as, such as firewall or apptrack.


The name of the application associated with the traffic that triggered the event.

Nested Application

The name of the Layer 7 application.

Received Time

The time when the traffic log was received by Juniper Security Director.

Policy Name

The policy name in the log.

Source Port

The source port of the event.

Destination Port

The destination port of the event.


The description of the log.

Threat Severity

The threat severity of the event.


The name of the event.

Client Hostname

The hostname of the client associated with the traffic that triggered the event.

For example, if a specific computer is infected, the name of that computer is displayed.

Event Category

The event category of the traffic logs, such as firewall or apptrack.


The type of the traffic, such as FTP and HTTP.

Service Name

The name of the Layer 4 service used for the traffic that triggered the event, such as FTP, HTTP, SSH, and so on.

Source Zone

The source zone of the site.

Destination zone

The destination zone of the site.

Protocol ID

The protocol ID of the traffic that triggered the event.


The role names associated with the event.


The reason for the log generation, such as unrestricted access.

NAT Source Port

The source port of traffic after NAT traversal.

NAT Destination Port

The destination port of traffic after NAT traversal.

NAT Source Rule Name

The source NAT rule name.

NAT Destination Rule Name

The destination NAT rule name.

NAT Source IP

The source IP address after IP address translation.

NAT Destination IP

The destination IP address after IP address translation.

Traffic Session ID

The Session The session ID mapped by the site to an event.

Path Name

The pathname of the log.

Logical System Name

The logical system name.

Rule Name

The rule name.

Profile Name

The name of the event profiles that triggered the log.

Malware Info

The information about the malware causing the event.

Source VRF Group Name

The source VRF group names that generated the event.

Destination VRF Group Name

The destination VRF group names that generated the event.