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Merge Duplicate Addresses

Multiple users create various objects in a network which sometimes results in users creating duplicate objects, such as duplicate addresses. Such duplicate addresses clutter the network space and confuse users. You can optimize network space usage by keeping the network clean and optimizing the resource usage.

Use the duplicate address detection feature to find duplicate addresses and merge the addresses into one address object.

  1. Click Shared Services > Objects > Addresses.

    The Addresses page opens.

  2. Click View and select Duplicate addresses from the drop-down list.

    The list of addresses with duplicate entries is displayed.

  3. Select the duplicate addresses to merge and click Merge Duplicate Address.

    The Merge Duplicate Addresses page opens.

  4. Select one of the following:
    • Select an existing name—Select a name from the drop-down list.
    • Enter a new name—Enter a name and description for the merged address according to the guidelines in Table 1.
    Table 1: Fields on the Merge Duplicate Addresses Page
    Field Description


    Enter a unique name for the address containing maximum 63 characters without spaces.

    The name must begin with an alphanumeric character and can contain special characters such as colons, hyphens, forward slashes, periods, and underscores.


    Enter a description for the address containing maximum 900 characters.

    The description can contain alphanumeric characters and special characters except ampersand, lesser than sign, greater than sign, or a new line.

    You should make this description as useful as possible for all administrators.

    Juniper Security Director Cloud identifies the usage of the duplicate addresses across all features and displays a message asking for confirmation about the merge operation.

    Hover your cursor over the network components to view the objects where the duplicate addresses are used.

  5. Click Yes.

Juniper Security Director Cloud merges the duplicate addresses and displays the updated list with unique addresses.