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Import Metadata Streaming Policy and DNS Cache

  1. On the Metadata Streaming Policy page, click Import.
    The Import Security Metadata Streaming page is displayed.
  2. Select the devices from which the policies and cache must be imported and click Next.
  3. Select the services you want to import and click Next.
    • If a conflict between the selected services and existing services is detected, the Resolve Conflicts tab is displayed.

    • If no conflicts are detected, the Summary tab is displayed.

  4. If the Resolve Conflicts tab is displayed, you can click the object name and review the conflict details and perform one of the following:
    • Click Create new object and then click Next to create a new policy or cache with the imported configurations.

    • Click Overwrite with imported value and then click Next to update the existing policy or cache in Juniper Security Director Cloud with the imported configuration.

    • Click Keep existing and then click Next to reject the imported value for the conflicting services.

  5. Review the summary displayed and click Finish to import the services.
    A job is created and the import status is displayed in the Job Status window. The imported rules and profiles are displayed on the Metadata Streaming Policy page. The imported DNS cache are displayed on the DNS Cache page.