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Viewing the Details of a Job in Juniper Security Director Cloud

You can view the details of a job, which allows you to view information about the job at a quick glance on one page, from the Jobs page.

  1. Click Administration > Jobs.

    The Jobs page opens.

  2. Select the job, and from the More menu, select View Job Details.

    The Job Status page opens. The fields displayed vary depending on the job.

    Table 1 describes some of the fields on the Job Status page.

  3. Click OK.

    The Jobs page opens.

Table 1: Job Status Fields





The name of the job.

For most jobs, the job type is assigned as the name.


The state of the job execution:

  • Tasks Succeeded—The tasks related to the job that successfully completed.

  • Tasks Failed—The tasks related to the job that failed.

You can expand each task to view the subtask details.

Start Time

The time when the job is started.


The time is stored as UTC time in the database but mapped to the local time zone of the client from which the UI is accessed.

End Time

The time when the job was completed or terminated if the job execution failed.


The owner of the job can be the system or the user who started the job.

Job ID

The unique identifier of the job.


Tasks Succeeded

The status of the individual tasks that are executed for the job.

Tasks Failed

The status of the individual tasks that failed to execute for the job.