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Add a User

An administrator or a user with the privileges to add, edit, and delete users can add the following types of users to Juniper Security Director Cloud:

  • Local users where the user is authenticated and authorized by Juniper Security Director Cloud.

  • LDAP users where the user is authenticated by the LDAP server and authorized by Juniper Security Director Cloud.

  1. Click Administration > Users & Roles > Users.

    The Users page opens.

  2. Click the + icon.

    The Create User page opens.

  3. Complete the configuration as described in Table 1.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

    A confirmation message indicating that the user account is created is displayed and the user account is listed on the Users page.

    After the user is created, if SMTP is configured on the device, the user receives an activation e-mail from Juniper Security Director Cloud. The e-mail contains the link to activate the new user account. By default, the activation link expires within 24 hours. If the user does not click the activation link and set a password, the account is not activated. To activate the account, you must resend the activation link by clicking More > Resend activation mail.

    Table 1 lists the fields on the Create User page.

    Table 1: Fields on the Create User Page



    Full Name

    Enter the full name of the user containing maximum 32 alphanumeric characters.

    The name can contain special characters, such as underscores and hyphens.


    Enter a valid e-mail address in the user@domain format.


    Click the toggle button to enable or disable the user.

    By default, this option is enabled. A user can log in to Juniper Security Director Cloud only when you enable the user.


    Assign one or more roles to the user.

    To assign roles, select the roles in the left column, and click >. The selected roles are moved to the right column.