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Regenerate and Delete a Certificate

You can regenerate or delete an existing certificate from the Certificate Management page. This topic has the following sections:

Regenerate a Certificate

You can regenerate a certificate a few days in advance if the certificate is about to expire.

You can either regenerate a Juniper issued certificate or a CSR for customer issued certificate.

To regenerate a certificate:

  1. Select Secure Edge > Service Administration > Certificate Management.

    The Certificate Management page appears.

  2. Select a CSR certificate or an externally generated certificate and click Regenerate.
    A message indicating the status of the regenerate certificate operation is displayed.

Delete a Certificate

You delete a certificate when you do not want to trust a certificate authority in Juniper Secure Edge.

To delete a certificate:

  1. Select Secure Edge > Service Administration > Certificate Management.
    The Certificate Management page appears.
  2. Select the certificate that you want to delete.
  3. On the upper right side of the Certificate Management page, click the delete icon (trash can).
    A confirmation window appears.
  4. Click Yes to delete.

    You must delete a certificate before you delete a tenant.