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Monitor End User Authentication Logs

To access this page, click Monitor > Logs > End User Authentication.

Use this page to get an overall, high‐level view of end user authentication status.

Using the time-range slider, you can instantly focus on areas of unusual activity by dragging the time slider to the area of interest to you. The slider and the Custom button under Time Range remain at the top of each tab. Users select the time range, and then they can decide how to view the data, using the summary view or detail view tabs.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • View a brief summary of all end user authentications. See Table 1.

  • View the comprehensive details of end user authentication in a tabular format that includes sortable columns. See Table 2 .

Summary View

You can view a brief summary of all the authentications and the top five authentication failures.

Table 1 describes the widgets on the All Events Summary View page.

Table 1: Widgets on the End User Authentication Summary View Page



Authentication Count

The total number of authentications.

Top 5 Failed Authentications

The details of top five failed authentication.

Detail View

Click Detail View for comprehensive details of end user authentication events in a tabular format that includes sortable columns. The table includes information such as the rule that caused the event, severity for the event, event ID, traffic information, and how and when the event was detected.

Table 2 describes the fields on the All Events Detail View Page.

Table 2: Fields on the End User Authentication Detail View Page




The time when the end user authentication log was generated.

User Name

The name of the user who was authenticated.

Generated By

The administrator who generated the authentication log.

Source IP

The source IP address from where the log occurred (IPv4 or IPv6).

Authentication Status

The status (success or failure) of end user authentication.

Authentication Method

The authentication method used by the user.


The description for the authentication.

Received Time

The time when the authentication log was received by Juniper Secure Edge.

Event Name

The event name of the authentication log.

Source Country

View the source country name from where the authentication log originated.

Event Category

The event category of the authentication log.