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Edit, Clone, and Delete a Proxy Auto Configuration File

You can edit, clone, and delete proxy auto configuration files from the PAC Files page.

Edit a Proxy Auto Configuration File

You cannot edit the default, recommended proxy auto configuration file. You must first clone the recommended file, then edit the cloned file.

You also cannot edit the URL of a proxy auto configuration file.


Ensure that the proxy auto configuration file has two proxy servers configured as a fallback mechanism if the first proxy server is unresponsive. If both the proxy servers are unavailable, the request will be directly sent to the web page.

  1. Click Secure Edge>Service Administration>PAC Files.
  2. Select a proxy auto configuration file, and click the edit (pencil) icon.

    The Edit PAC <PAC file name> page opens.

  3. On the Basic tab, configure the following fields:
    • Exclude by Domain—Click +, and add domains so that the traffic to those domains bypass Juniper Secure Edge. If the client domain matches any of these domains, the proxy auto configuration file is not used.

    • Exclude by Destination Prefix—Click +, and add destination prefixes so that the traffic to those prefixes bypass Juniper Secure Edge. If the client IP address matches any of these IP prefixes, the proxy auto configuration file is not used.

    • Exclude by Source Prefix—Click +, and add source IP prefixes so that the traffic to those prefixes bypass Juniper Secure Edge. If the client IP address matches any of these IP prefixes, the proxy auto configuration file is not used.

    • On-premises Servers—Click +, and add maximum three server FQDNs to designate as on-premises servers. If the FQDNs for any of these on-premises servers return a valid DNS response, the client is considered to be on premises and the PAC file configuration is not utilized. This field supports only FQDNs.


    Your on-premises protected subnets are already excluded from being directed to Juniper Secure Edge, so you don't need to add the subnets to any of the excluded components list.

  4. Click the Advanced tab, and configure the following:
    • Name—Enter a unique string of maximum 31 alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores without spaces.

    • Description—Enter a description for the proxy auto configuration file containing maximum 255 characters.

    • XML Code—Use the code field to directly modify the configuration of the proxy auto configuration file.

  5. Click OK.

The changes are saved, and the PAC Files page opens.

Clone a Proxy Auto Configuration File

  1. Click Secure Edge>Service Administration>PAC Files.

    The PAC Files page opens.

  2. Select a proxy auto configuration file, and click Clone.
  3. Edit the parameters as described in Edit a Proxy Auto Configuration File.
    You cannot edit the URL of a proxy auto configuration file.
  4. Click OK.

The changes are saved, and the PAC Files page opens with a confirmation message indicating the status of the clone operation.

Delete Proxy Auto Configuration Files

Before you delete a proxy auto configuration file that is in use, ensure that you migrate users to another file.

  1. Click Secure Edge>Service Administration>PAC Files.
  2. Select the proxy auto configuration files to delete, and click the delete icon.

    A message asking you to confirm the delete operation is displayed

  3. Click Yes to delete the selected files.

A confirmation message is displayed indicating the status of the delete operation.