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Create SecIntel Profile Group

Create a SecIntel profile group with SecIntel profiles, such as C&C, DNS, and infected hosts. Once created, you can assign this group to the security policy.

To create a SecIntel profile group:

  1. Click Secure Edge > Security Subscriptions > SecIntel > Profile Groups.
    The SecIntel Profile Groups page appears.
  2. Click + on the upper-right corner of the SecIntel Profile Groups page.

    The Create SecIntel Profile Groups page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click OK to save the changes. To discard your changes, click Cancel.

    Once you create the SecIntel profile group, you can associate it with the security policies.

    Table 1: Fields on the Create SecIntel Profile Groups Page




    Enter a name for the SecIntel profile group.

    The name must be a unique string of alphanumeric, special characters and 64-character maximum. Special characters such as & ( ) ] ? " # < > are not allowed.


    Enter description for the SecIntel profile group.

    Command & Control

    Select a C&C profile from the list to associate with the SecIntel profile group.

    Click Create New to create a new C&C profile inline. For more information on a new C&C profile, see Create Command and Control Profile.


    Select a DNS profile from the list to associate with the SecIntel profile group.

    Click Create New to create a new DNS profile inline. For more information on a new DNS profile, see Create DNS Profile.

    Infected Hosts

    Select a infected hosts profile from the list to associate with the SecIntel profile group.

    Click Create New to create a new infected hosts profile inline. For more information on a new infected hosts profile, see Create Infected Hosts Profile.