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Create ATP Report Definition

Use the available fields to build a report that runs at set intervals and automatically sends the PDF report to the email addresses you specify.

In addition to creating your own report definition, you can use the included, pre-defined, read-only, on demand reports. The included reports are named as follows:

  • Threat Assessment Last Day
  • Threat Assessment Last Week
  • Threat Assessment Last Month

To create a custom ATP report definition:

  1. Navigate to Monitor > Reports>ATP Report Definitions.
    The ATP Report Definition Page appears.
  2. Click the + (Create) icon on the top right of the page.
    The Create Report page appears.
  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in the
  4. Click OK to save the report definition.

    A new ATP report definition with the defined configurations is created. The new report is listed as a downloadable PDF file in the Reports>Generated Reports page for viewing anytime.

    Table 1: ATP Report Definition Settings
    Settings Guidelines
    Report Name

    Enter a name for the report.

    The name must begin with an alphanumeric character and can include dashes, spaces, and underscores; 63-character maximum.

    Description Give the report a detailed description that all administrators can recognize.
    Date Range Options

    Configure a recurring schedule for running a report. The options are: Last Day (daily), Last Week (once weekly), and Last Month (once monthly).

    Based on your selection, you will configure a specific time period in the next field.

    Generate report every Use the downward arrow in the entry field for adding multiple days.

    If you selected Last Day in the previous field, choose multiple days of the week for running a report. For example, every day (add all days manually Sunday through Saturday) or only add Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for an every other day report.

    If you selected Last Week, choose one day of the week for running a weekly report.

    If you selected Last Month, choose whether to run a report on the first day of the month or the last day of the month.

    Email Recipients

    Once a report is generated, you can have it sent to one or more email addresses. The email addresses available for receiving reports come from the Administrator > Users list.

    Note that once the report is created, you can always send it to an email address on-demand by selecting the check box for the report in the list view and clicking the Send button at the top of the page. A new window appears, and you can select an email address there. Again, the available addresses come from the Administrator > Users list.