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Create Top Talkers Report Definitions

The Top Talkers report contains information about the top 10 source IP addresses and top 10 destination IP addresses visited by users. The information about these top 10 IP addresses is categorized based on the bandwidth the sessions consumed and number of sessions. The report also contains information about the top 10 users who consumed the most bandwidth and initiated the most web sessions.

Before You Begin

  1. Select Monitor > Reports > Report Definitions.
  2. Click Create, and select Top Talkers Report.
    The Create Top Talkers Report Definition page opens.
  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
    Table 1: Top Talkers Report Definition Settings




    Report Name

    Enter a unique string for the report name containing maximum 64 alphanumeric characters.

    The name can contain dashes.


    Enter a description containing maximum 900 characters for the report.


    Time Span

    Specify the duration for which the report is generated.

    You can select a time span of the last 3 to 24 hours or a custom time span. When you select the Custom option, you must specify the From and To date in the MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS format.

    Number of Top Logs

    Enter the number of top events to be displayed.

    The valid range is 1 to 10, and the default value is 5.


    Report Schedule

    Click Add Schedule.

    Select the type of report schedule to use:

    • Run now—Select this option to schedule and to publish the configuration at the current time.

    • Schedule at a later time–Select this option to schedule and to publish the configuration at a later time.

    Email Section

    Email Recipients

    Enable this option to send the report to specific recipients in an email.

    • Recipients—Enter or select the e‐mail addresses of the recipients. You can search e-mail addresses of users by their first name. You can also enter external email addresses.

    • Subject—Enter the subject for the e‐mail notification.

    • Comments—Enter the comments for the e‐mail notification.


    The report is not sent to recipients who do not have permissions to access a device or domain included in the report configuration.

  4. Click OK to save the report definition.

A new Top Talkers report definition is created and displayed on the Reports Definitions page.