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DNS Cache Overview

Juniper Security Director Cloud uses DNS cache to compare request domains against a list of allowed and blocked domains. If the request domain is included in the allowed list, the session is permitted. If the request domain is included in the blocked list, the session is dropped and the request domain is redirected to a sinkhole.

If the request domain is not included in the allowed or blocked list, it is analyzed using the metadata streaming policy. For more information about metadata streaming policies, see Security Metadata Streaming Policies Overview.

To access the DNS Cache page, click SRX > Security Subscriptions > Security Metadata Streaming > DNS Cache.

Field Descriptions - DNS Cache Page

Table 1: Fields on the DNS Cache Page




Name of the DNS cache.

Allow List

Domains which the client device can access.

Block List

Domains which the client device must not access.


Devices on which the cache must be deployed to analyze the traffice.


Status of the cache. The possible values are:

  • Deployed

  • Deploy pending

  • Redeploy required

  • Policy flagged to be deleted

  • Deploy failed

  • Yet to deploy