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Services Overview

Use the Services page to create, modify, clone and delete services or service groups and import and export services to a CSV file. You can also create and manage protocols that you use to create services.

A service refers to an application on a device, such as Domain Name Service (DNS). Services are based on protocols and ports used by an application. When added to a policy, a configured service can be applied across all devices associate with it. The protocols available to create a service include: TCP, UDP, SUN-RPC, MS-RPC, ICMP, ICMPv6, and Other.

To access this page, select Shared Services > Objects > Services.

Field Descriptions

Table 1: Fields on the Service Page




Name of the service or service group.


Specifies whether the object is a service or service group.


Description about the service or service group.


Indicates whether a service or service group is predefined or custom.

View Associations Click to view the NAT policies and SRX policies associated with the service. Hover your cursor over the network component to view the associated objects.