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Resolved Issues

This section lists the resolved issues in Juniper Paragon Automation Release 24.1

  • Symmetric pair LSPs might not be routed symmetrically upon threshold crossing rerouting.

    Workaround: None.

  • Traffic charts are now supported for devices with dual Routing Engines which are onboarded with re0 or re1 suffixed to their hostnames. However, graphs are only supported if the hostname-suffixes are in lower case and in the -re0 or -re1 format. For example: vmx101-re0 or vmx101-re1

    Workaround: None

  • Controller Sites are not included in network archive for Paragon Planner.

    Workaround: None.

  • Safe mode status is always false when ns-web pod starts.

    Workaround: None.

  • You get an incorrect safe mode status after you the modify source-of-truth flag during safe mode.

    Workaround: None.

  • Sometimes devices with NETCONF disabled appear with NETCONF status Up.

    Workaround: Edit the device profile without any changes to trigger reloading of device profile.

  • Color for SR-TE LSPs originating from Cisco IOS-XR devices is visible only if the LSP is initially discovered from device collection.

    Workaround: None.

  • Admin group of an SR-TE LSP learned from PCEP disappears after topology synchronization, if the LSP has configured state.

    Workaround: Modify SR-TE LSP to persist the admin group learned from PCEP.

  • LSPs on the optimal path may receive unnecessary PCEP update during PCS optimization.

    Workaround: None.

  • An error in the diagnostics (Configuration > Data Ingest > Diagnostics > Application) feature causes application tests to fail.

    Workaround: None.

  • On the Network > Topology > Tunnel tab, when you hover over the Filter (funnel) icon and select Add Filter, the Add Criteria page is displayed. If you select Color in the Field list, the field value is displayed as plannedProperties instead of Color.

    Workaround: None.

  • Path analysis report is empty.

    Workaround: Run a device collection task before performing path analysis. Note that, Path analysis report can be empty if LSPs are already on optimal path.