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Edit a Topology Filter Rule

To edit a topology filter rule:

  1. Click Configuration > Network Settings > Topology Filter.

    The Topology Filter page appears.

  2. Select the topology filter rule that you want to edit.
  3. Click the edit (pencil) icon.

    The Edit Filter Rule page appears.

  4. Configure the fields as per Fields on the Add New Filter Page.

    If you select multiple rules for modification, you can edit only the Action field (Accept or Reject). If you select a single rule, you can edit all the fields.

  5. Click OK.

    The edited topology filter rule is displayed on the Topology Filter page.

  6. Click Save Changes to save the rules and apply the filter rule to the topology map.

    Navigate to the Topology (Network > Topology) page to view the changes in the topology map based on the filter rule you applied.