Troubleshoot Using the paragon CLI Utility
We've introduced the paragon
command CLI utility to run commands on pods
running in the system. The paragon
commands are a set of intuitive commands
to enable you to analyze, query, and troubleshoot your cluster. To execute the commands, log
in to any of the primary nodes. The output of the commands is color-coded because the
command utility executes the kubecolor commands instead of kubectl,
kubecolor color codes your kubectl command output. See Figure 1 for
an example output.
To view the entire set of commands available, use:
root@cluster-node:~# paragon ?
You can use the tab option to view possible auto-completion options for the commands. To see top-level command auto-completion, type paragon and press tab. For example:
root@ix-pgn-pr-01:~# paragon paragon paragon-db
To view the kubecolor command that a paragon command runs, use the echo or
option. For example:
root@ix-pgn-pr-01:~# paragon -e get nodes all >>>> command: kubecolor --force-colors get nodes
To execute a paragon command as well as view the kubecolor command that it runs, use the
debug or -d
option. For example:
root@ix-pgn-pr-01:~# paragon -d get nodes all >>>> command: kubecolor --force-colors get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION ix-pgn-pr-01 Ready control-plane,etcd,master 17d v1.26.6+rke2r1 ix-pgn-pr-02 Ready control-plane,etcd,master 17d v1.26.6+rke2r1 ix-pgn-pr-03 Ready control-plane,etcd,master 17d v1.26.6+rke2r1 ix-pgn-wo-01 Ready <none> 17d v1.26.6+rke2r1
To view the entire list of paragon
commands and the corresponding kubecolor
commands that they run, use:
root@cluster-node:~# paragon --mapped
command output
The complete set of commands are listed in Table 1.
Command |
Description |
Gets paragon ambassador emissary pods. |
Gets all paragon ambassador pods. |
Gets all paragon ambassador services. |
Helps to find the postgres roles. |
Gets the description of particular node in the cluster.Use Argument: --node <node-ip>. For example, --node 172.16.x.221. Run "paragon get nodes all" to get node ip. |
Gets device manager paragon ems pod. |
Gets job manager paragon ems pod. |
Gets all paragon ems pods. |
Gets all paragon ems services. |
Shows the logs of paragon ems device manager pod. Use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon ems job manager pod. Use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Gets all namespaces available in Paragon. |
Gets list of all nodes in cluster. |
Validates if kubelet has any disk pressure. Use Argument: --node <node_ip/node_name>. For example: --node 172.16.x.221 |
Validates if kubelet has sufficient memory. Use Argument: --node <node_ip/node_name>. For example: --node 172.16.x.221 |
Validates for any issue with calico and network.Use Argument: --node <node_ip/node_name>. For example: --node davinci-master |
Gets list of all nodes that is not ready in the cluster. |
Validates if kubelet has sufficient pid available.Use Argument: --node <node_ip/node_name>>,Eg: --node davinci-worker1 |
Gets list of all nodes that is ready in the cluster. |
Gets list of all taint on the nodes. |
Gets all healthy paragon pods. |
Gets all unhealthy paragon pods. |
Gets all paragon services exposed. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon insights alerta pod. |
Gets into the CLI of byoi plugin. Usage : --byoi <BYOI plugin name>. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon insights config-server pod. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon insights grafana pod. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon insights InfluxDB pod. Use Argument: --influx <influxdb-nodeip> to specify the node ip, else the command will use first influx node as default. Eg: --influx influxdb-172-16-x-21 |
Gets into the CLI of paragon insights mgd pod. |
Describes paragon insights alerta pod. |
Describes paragon insights rest api pod. |
Describes paragon insights configserver pod. |
Describes paragon insights grafana pod. |
Describes paragon insights InfluxDB pod. Use Argument: --influx <influxdb-nodeip> to specify the node ip,else the command will use first influx node as default. \Eg: --influx influxdb-172-16-x-21 |
Describes paragon insights mgd pod. |
Gets the paragon insights alerta pod. |
Gets the paragon insights rest api pod. |
Gets the paragon insights config-server pod. |
Gets all paragon insights device groups. The default user name will be - admin (This can be modified using command : paragon set user --cred <username> ). Please set the paragon (UI host) password as a prerequisite using command - paragon set password --cred <password>. |
Gets all paragon insights devices. The default user name will be - admin (This can be modified using command : paragon set user --cred <username> ). Please set the paragon (UI host) password as a prerequisite using command - paragon set password --cred <password>. |
Gets the paragon insights grafana pod. |
Gets the paragon insights InfluxDB pod. |
Gets the paragon insights network telemetry ingestion pods. |
Gets the paragon insights mgd pod. |
Gets all paragon insights playbooks. The default user name will be - admin (This can be modified using command : paragon set user --cred <username> ). Please set the paragon (UI host) password as a prerequisite using command - paragon set password --cred <password>. |
Gets all paragon insights pods. |
Gets all paragon insights services. |
Shows the logs of paragon insights alerta pod. |
Shows the logs of paragon insights rest api pod. |
Shows the logs of paragon insights byoi plugin. Use Argument : --byoi <BYOI plugin name>. |
Shows the logs of paragon insights config-server pod. |
Shows the logs of paragon insights device group for service analytical engine. Use Argument :--dg <device Group name with subgroup> Eg: --dg controller-0 (where controller is devicegroup name and 0 is the subgroup). |
Shows the logs of paragon insights device group for service itsdb. Use Argument : --dg <device Group name with subgroup> Eg: --dg controller-0 (where controller is devicegroup name and 0 is the subgroup). |
Shows the logs of paragon insights device group for service jtimon.Use Argument : --dg <device Group name with subgroup> Eg: --dg controller-0 (where controller is devicegroup name and 0 is the subgroup). |
Shows the logs of paragon insights device group for service jti native. Use Argument : --dg <device Group name with subgroup> Eg: --dg controller-0 (where controller is devicegroup name and 0 is the subgroup). |
Shows the logs of paragon insights device group for service syslog. Use Argument : --dg <device Group name with subgroup> Eg: --dg controller-0 (where controller is devicegroup name and 0 is the subgroup). |
Shows the logs of paragon insights grafana pod. |
Shows the logs of paragon insights InfluxDB pod. Use Argument: --influx <influxdb-nodeip> to specify the node ip, else the command will use first influx node as default. Eg: --influx influxdb-172-16-x-21 |
Shows the logs of paragon insights mgd pod. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder BMP container. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder ns-configserver container. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder cRPD container. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder debugutils container. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder netconf container. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder ns-pceserver container [(PCEP) services]. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder ns-pcserver container [Path Computation Server (PCS)]. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder ns-pcsviewer container [paragon Planner Desktop application]. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder scheduler container. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder ns-toposerver container [Topology service]. |
Gets into the CLI of paragon pathfinder ns-web container. |
Debugs paragon pathfinder cRPD routing-options configuration related to BGP-LS. |
Debugs paragon pathfinder cRPD route table lsdist.0 hidden related to BGP-LS. |
Shows paragon pathfinder debugutils genjvisiondata help. |
Shows paragon pathfinder debugutils genjvisiondata params. |
Debugs paragon pathfinder PCE server pod learned LSPs from the PCC " >>> show lsp all list". |
Shows the kubernetes cluster postgres status. |
Shows the rabbitmqctl cluster status. |
Runs paragon pathfinder debugutils pod to snoop and decode data exchanged between AMQP. |
Shows paragon pathfinder debugutils snoop help. |
Runs paragon pathfinder debugutils pod to snoop and decode data exchanged between Postgres. |
Runs paragon pathfinder debugutils pod to snoop and decode data exchanged between Redis link. |
Runs paragon pathfinder debugutils pod to snoop and decode data exchanged between Redis lsp. |
Runs paragon pathfinder debugutils pod to snoop and decode data exchanged between redis nodes. |
Shows paragon pathfinder debugutils topo_util help. |
Shows paragon pathfinder debugutils topo_util tool to deactivate safe mode. |
Runs paragon pathfinder debugutils topo_util tool to refresh the current topology. |
Runs paragon pathfinder debugutils topo_util tool to save the current topology snapshot. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including cRPD and BMP containers. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including configserver container. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including debugutils container. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including ns-netconfd container. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including ns-pceserver container [(PCEP) services]. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including ns-pcserver container [path computation server (PCS)]. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including ns-pcsviewer container [paragon planner desktop application]. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including scheduler container. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including ns-toposerver container [topology service]. |
Describes paragon pathfinder pod including web container. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod including cRPD and BMP containers. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod including ns-configserver and syslog containers. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod including debugutils container. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod associated with the netconf process. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod including ns-pceserver container [(PCEP) services]. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod including ns-pcserver container [Path Computation Server (PCS)]. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod including ns-pcsviewer container [paragon Planner Desktop application]. |
Gets all paragon pathfinder pods. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod associated with the scheduler process. |
Gets all paragon pathfinder services. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod including ns-toposerver container [Topology service]. |
Gets paragon pathfinder pod associated with the ns-web process. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder bmp pods bmp container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder bmp pods cRPD container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder bmp pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder configserver pods ns-configserver container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder configserver pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder netconf pods ns-netconfd container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder netconf pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder pceserver pods ns-pceserver container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder pceserver pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows processed logs of paragon pathfinder pceserver pods syslog container fetching only timestamp,level and message. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder pcserver pods ns-pcserver container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder pcserver pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows processed logs of paragon pathfinder pceserver pods syslog container fetching only with timestamp,level and message. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder pcviewer pods ns-pcviewer container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder pcviewer pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder toposerver pods ns-topo-dbinit container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder toposerver pods ns-topo-dbinit-cache container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder toposerver pods ns-toposerver container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder toposerver pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows processed logs of paragon pathfinder toposerver pods syslog container fetching only with timestamp,level and message. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder web pods ns-web container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder web pods ns-web-dbinit container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the logs of paragon pathfinder web pods syslog container. Please use argument "--type follow" to get live streaming logs. |
Shows the federation status(from rabbitmq-0 instance). GeoHa status only available for dual cluster setup. |
Reports Rook and Ceph OSD file system disk space usage. |
Gets Rook and Ceph OSD pool statistics. |
Gets Rook and Ceph OSD status. |
Gets Rook and Ceph OSD tree. |
Gets Rook and Ceph OSD utilization. |
Gets Rook and Ceph pg status. |
Gets Rook and Ceph status. |
Gets into the CLI of Rook and Ceph toolbox pod. |
Gets Rook and Ceph pods. |
Gets Rook and Ceph services. |
This is RADOS gateway user administration utility which gets the period info. |
This is RADOS gateway user administration utility which gets the metadata sync status. |
Sets the paragon (UI host) password for rest calls authentications. This is a one time set password mandatory command. Please use argument "--cred <password>" to set the password. |
Sets the paragon (UI host) username for rest calls authentications. Default username will be - admin. Please use argument "--cred <username>" to set a differnt username. |