Analyze Root Cause of Network, Device, and Service Issues
You can use Paragon Automation to identify the root cause of issues related to network, device, or service health. Issues are logged as error events, which are then displayed as alarms in the Paragon Automation GUI. Paragon Automation performs root cause analysis (RCA) and combines these alarms and identifies the original cause of the issue. The original cause is displayed in a smart alarm along with the resulting dependent alarms.
Smart alarms allow you to focus on the core reason for the issue and you don't have to go through multiple alarms to find the root cause. After you identify the root cause, you can remediate the issue as needed. For more information about root cause analysis, see Understand Root Cause Analysis.
Before you perform RCA, ensure that you have onboarded devices, created device groups, and configured topology acquisition, so that Paragon Automation can acquire the network topology. For more information, see Acquire and View the Network Topology.
After you analyze the smart alarms, you can remediate the issue as needed.
The RCA feature is disabled, by default, in Paragon Automation Release 23.1. For instructions on how to enable the feature, see the Release Notes.