Traffic Load File
This file aims at refining the traffic load granularity of the demands in the demand file. For example, it can be used to input the traffic load over 24 distinct consecutive periods. These periods can be hourly, daily, weekly, or any time interval the user decides. Each demand can have up to 24 traffic load numbers specified in the traffic load file. The format of each record is:
demand_name direction – traffic0 [traffic1 … traffic23]
where demand_name is the demand ID (it has to match with one of those in the demand file), direction is either A2Z or Z2A, and traffic0 … traffic23 are the traffic values in bits per second for 24 periods.
RATLNYC A2Z - 150.0 20.0 30.0 27.0 40.0 60.0 45.0 RDENWAS A2Z - 310.0 200.0 300.0 27.0 40.0 60.0 45.0
After creating the traffic load file the user has to let the system know where that file is. There are two ways of pointing to the traffic load file:
Add in the specification file the following line:
trafficload = trafficload_filename
where trafficload_filename is the name of the traffic load file just created above
Or, from the NorthStar Planner client edit the specification file. Click on the Network Files tab of the Spec File Generation window and then select the trafficload entry from the Traffic Files section. Then click “Browse...” to select the traffic load file and then select the Load button (