Updating Link Information
Delay information can also be entered in interactively through
the text mode version after importing the configuration files. This
file format is also flexible and can support the following fields:NodeA, NodeZ, Node, InterfaceA, InterfaceZ, Interface,
DelayAZ, DelayZA, LatencyA2Z, LatencyZ2A, Delay, IPaddrZ, IPaddr,
RoundTripDelay, linkname, OSPFMetric, ISIS2Metric, ISIS1Metric, LinkName,
BWType, Node, Interface, DelayAZ, DelayZA
The first line should specify the columns using a comma separated list of the above keywords, including a column for the node and the interface or IP address at the minimum. The subsequent lines should specify the Node/Interface or Node/IP pair and the other relevant columns to update. See the link latency file in the last section for an example.
From the File > Load Network Files menu, select the file type linkdataupdate under the Network Files tab, Device Specific Files section. Click the Browse button to indicate the location of the file to use for updating the links.
Alternatively, in a console window, type /u/wandl/bin/bbdsgn specfilepath. Select from the Main menu: 5. Modify Configuration > 4. Link Configuration > u. Update Link Properties from a File. Select ? for the help menu for information on the input file format. Select 2. Input File Name and enter in the location of the file to use for updating the links (absolute or relative path is acceptable here). Select 3. Error Output Name to enter the location of an optional file for outputting errors. Select 4. Operation to indicate which fields to update based on the input file (the default includes all fields) and q to exit this menu. Select 5. Update link configuration to perform the actual update based on the specified input file. To save the changes, exit until you reach the Main Menu and use the 2. Save Files menu.
PE-CE Connection File
#PE PE-interface PE-intf-address vrf CE CE-intf-address PE1 so-0/0/1.121 aaa-251001 CE100 PE1 so-0/0/1.120 bbb-258001 CE200