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OpenStack Resources for NorthStar Controller Installation

Table 1 and Table 2 describe the required and optional OpenStack resources for running the NorthStar Controller in an OpenStack environment.

Table 1: Required OpenStack Resources




Two of these resources are required: one for the NorthStar Controller application VM and one for the JunosVM.


At least two of these resources are required for the Ethernet connections of each OS:Nova::Server resource.


Each NorthStar installation requires one of this resource for internal communication between the NorthStar Controller application VM and the JunosVM. Connection to an existing OS::Neutron::Net resource for public network connectivity is also required.


A fixed subnet is required for internal communication between the NorthStar Controller application VM and the JunosVM.

Table 2: Optional OpenStack Resources




Use this resource (either new or existing) to access the NorthStar Controller application VM and JunosVM from outside OpenStack.


Use this resource if the NorthStar Controller application VM and JunosVM are connected to a virtual private network behind NAT. This resource is not usually necessary in a flat networking scenario or a private network using Contrail.


Use this resource with an anti-affinity rule to ensure that no more than one NorthStar Controller application VM, or no more than one JunosVM are spawned in the same compute node. This is for additional redundancy purposes.

OS::Neutron::Port for VIP

Use an additional OS::Neutron::Port for cluster setup, to provide a virtual IP address for the client facing connection.