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Modifying Links to Configure Multiple Bypasses (Juniper only)

  1. To generate multiple bypass tunnels to protect an interface, navigate to the Links tab on the Network Info table and select the links you want to modify and click Modify.
  2. Select Network > Elements > Links.
  3. Select the links to be modified and click Modify.
  4. Click the MPLS/TE tab.
    Figure 1: Auto Bypass ParametersAuto Bypass Parameters
  5. In the MPLS/TE Parameters section, select “yes” from the FRR A and/or FRR Z selection boxes depending upon which side of the link will be protected. This will enable the corresponding column in the Auto Bypass Parameters section.
  6. In the Auto Bypass Parameters section, the following fields can be configured:
    • Max Num Bypasses: Indicates the maximum number of bypass tunnels for protecting an interface. This statement enables multiple bypasses for link protection.

    • Bandwidth: Indicates the bandwidth of each of the bypass tunnels created

    • Subscription: Indicates the percentage of primary tunnel bandwidth that can be protected by each bypass tunnel. For example, setting the subscription factor to 2000 % enables a bypass tunnel of bandwidth 50K to protect a primary tunnel of bandwidth 1M.

    • Node Protection: Indicates whether the bypass tunnels created will protect a node (if on) or link (if off)