Reset Topology by Latitude and Longitude
You can reset the distribution of nodes on the topology map according to geographical coordinates if you have set the latitude and longitude values of the nodes. It can be useful to have the country map backdrop displayed when you use this distribution model.
To configure latitude and longitude for a node, select the node in the network information table at the bottom of the Topology view, and click Modify in the bottom tool bar. In the Modify Node window, click the Location tab. Figure 1 shows the Location tab of the Modify Node window.

Click the Location tab and enter latitude and longitude values using signed degrees format (DDD.dddd):
Latitudes range from -90 to 90.
Longitudes range from -180 to 180.
Positive values of latitude are north of the equator; negative values (precede with a minus sign) are south of the equator.
Positive longitudes are east of the Prime Meridian; negative values (precede with a minus sign) are west of the Prime Meridian.
You can either enter the values directly or you can use the up and down arrows to increment and decrement.
You can optionally enter a site name in the Site field.
Click Submit.
To reset the nodes in the topology map according to the latitude and longitude values of the nodes, right-click on the topology map and select Map Layouts>Reset by Coordinates.
Turning on the World Map also triggers a reset by latitude and longitude. To turn on the World Map in the topology window, click the Tools icon (gear) on the right side of the topology window and select the Map Style. Click the check box for Show World Map.
You can also set node latitude and longitude coordinates in the NorthStar Planner client, and copy those values to the nodes in the Live Network model. Any existing coordinate values in the Live Network model are overwritten by this action, an important consideration since the Live Network model is shared by all users.