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Special Built-In Functions

Wildmask Conversion for Cisco

Use function called wildcardtocidr


The result could be:

Convert ISIS system ID to IPv4

Match string value

Use function called getmatch


The result of the print out is “1”

Get physical interface from sub interface

Use function called getphysical Sample:

The result of the print out is “ge-0/0/1”.

Arithmetic Function

Arithmetic functions supported are add, subtract, multiply, and divide


The result of the print out is “7”

The result of the print out is “3”

The result of the print out is “10”

The result of the print out is “2.5”

String Extraction Function

String extraction functions returns the character of properties of a string. The first character in a string starts at index 1. String functions includes len, right, left, mid, and find.

  • len(string) # returns the length of the string

  • right(string, num_char) # returns the number of characters from the right

  • left(string, num_char), # returns the number of characters from the left

  • mid(string, start_index, num_char) # returns the number of characters from the specified start index

  • find(txt_to_find, string, [start_index]) # find the index of the character in the string, the start_index is optional


The result of the print out is "port-1/8/5:10G => 10G"

The result of the print out is "GigabitEthernet0/7/0/36.1778 => GigabitEthernet0/7/0/36"

The result of the print out is “test case 3 (a): length = 10"

Array Extraction Function

To extract an array from a string, the string syntax must have the array elements enclosed by bracket [,] and delimited by comma or white space. Then use the toarray function on the string to extract the array elements.


Data Structure Objects

Data structure objects allows the user to create an object that can have multiple attributes assigned to it.
