Advanced Path Modification
After the path design, you may also wish to provide path names for some of the tunnel paths.
First, click the Modify mode button to switch to Modify mode.
Next, reopen Modify > Elements >Tunnels. Double-click a particular tunnel to view its details.
If desired you can enter unique pathnames for the backup routes under the Pathname column
For Cisco, the two alternate routes can be given different priorities using the “Opt” field (the defaults are multiples of 10). For Juniper, specify for the two backup routes if they are secondary or standby in the Type column by entering in R,STANDBY for a standby tunnel or R,SECONDARY for a secondary tunnel. Right-click an entry and select Edit Type for more options.

To generate delta configlets for the changes made to the LSP tunnels since opening the baseline, select Action > LSP Delta Wizard.
For more information on the LSP Delta Wizard, see Running the LSP Delta Wizard.