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Tools Menu Overview

The Tools menu contains the following general tools:

  • Compliance Assessment

    Compliance assessment is used to compare router configuration files’ to certain templates for compliance (IP/MPLS only). See the NorthStar Planner Feature Guide, Compliance Assessment Tool chapter for more details.

  • CAT Template Design

    CAT templates are used to create compliance assessment test cases or rules. Use the templates to load the test cases or rules for the CAT scan. See the NorthStar Planner Feature Guide, Compliance Assessment Tool chapter for more details.

  • VPN Traffic Generation

    You can add demands within the VPNs using the VPN Traffic Generation tool. See the NorthStar Planner Feature Guide, Virtual Private Networks chapter for more details.

  • Add-ons

    Any add-ons available to you are listed for your selection.

  • Options

    See Tools: Options Menu to learn about the various options that can be configured for NorthStar Planner.