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Management Scalability

The following management scalability features are supported in Junos Space Security Director:

  • By default, monitor polling is set to 15 minutes and resource usage polling is set to 10 minutes. This polling time changes to 30 minutes for a large-scale data center setup such as one for 200 SRX Series devices managed in Security Director.


    You can manually configure the monitor polling on the Administration>Monitor Settings page.

  • Security Director supports up to 15,000 SRX Series devices with a six-node Junos Space fabric. In a setup with 15,000 SRX Series devices, all settings for monitor polling must be set to 60 minutes. If monitoring is not required, disable it to improve the performance of your publish and update jobs.

  • To enhance the performance further, increase the number of update subjobs thread in the database. To increase the update subjobs thread in the database, run the following command:


For MySQL username and password, contact Juniper Support.


If you use a database dedicated setup (SSD hard disk VMs), the performance of publish and update is better compared to the performance in a normal two-node Junos Space fabric setup.