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Infected Hosts Overview

The hosts page lists compromised hosts and their associated threat levels. From here, you can monitor and mitigate malware detections on a per host basis.


You must select ATP Cloud realm from the available pulldown.

Compromised hosts are systems for which there is a high confidence that attackers have gained unauthorized access. When a host is compromised, the attacker can do several things to the computer, such as:

  • Send junk or spam e-mail to attack other systems or distribute illegal software.

  • Collect personal information, such as passwords and account numbers.

Compromised hosts are listed as secure intelligence data feeds (also called information sources.) The data feed lists the IP address or IP subnet of the host along with a threat level; for example, and threat level 5. Once threats are identified, you can create threat prevention policies to take enforcement actions on the inbound and outbound traffic on these infected hosts.

Export Data—Click the Export button to download compromised host data to a CSV file. You are prompted to narrow the data download to a selected time-frame.