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Creating a Juniper ATP Cloud Web Portal Login Account

To create a Juniper ATP Cloud account, you must first have a Customer Support Center (CSC) user account. For more information, see Creating a User Account. If you forget to do this step, you will be reminded during the quick setup.

  1. Go to and select your region. On the next screen, click Create a security realm.
  2. Enter the following required information and continue to click Next until you are finished:
    • Your single sign-on or Juniper Networks CSC credentials.

    • A security realm name — for example, Juniper-Mktg-Sunnyvale. Realm names can only contain alphanumeric characters and the dash (“-”) symbol.

    • Your contact information.

    • An e-mail address and password. This will be your login information to access the Juniper ATP Cloud management interface.

  3. When you click Finish, you are automatically logged in and taken to the Juniper ATP Cloud Web UI dashboard.