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Selecting a Web Filtering Solution

There are three options for enabling Web filtering. Use Table 1 to help you decide which option is right. The Web filtering solutions table gives you the pros and cons of each option.

Table 1: Web Filtering Solutions

Web Filtering Option



Integrated Web Filtering

Is the most powerful integrated method in terms of detection.

It has a granular list of URL categories, support for Google Safe Search, and a reputation engine.

This option can also redirect you to a custom URL for block pages

Requires an Internet connection to be able to contact the Threatseeker cloud.

Integrated Web filtering is also a separately licensed subscription service.

Redirect Web Filtering

Does not require an Internet connection; all queries are tracked locally.

This option has a slightly lower latency because the server is onsite.

Requires a separate Websense server.

Redirect Web filtering does not have as much functionality as directing the entire HTTP session through the Websense server.

Juniper Local Web Filtering

Does not require a license.

Juniper local Web filtering is good for defining your own blocklist or allowlist.

This option is good if you have only a handful of URLs on which you want to enforce a policy.

Is not ideal for broad URL filtering support.