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Creating Users in Security Director

Use the Users page to create new users and assign one or more roles and domains to the users. You assign roles and domains to users based on the network management tasks that they perform. You need to have the privileges of a super administrator or user administrator to create users.

Before You Begin

To configure a user:

  1. Select Administration > Users & Roles > Users.

    The Users page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create User page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.

    Fields marked with * are mandatory

  4. Click OK.

    A new user is created and you are returned to the Users page.

Table 1: User Settings





Enter a unique string of alphanumeric characters and some special characters (- _ . @). No spaces are allowed and the maximum length is 128 characters.

Temporary Password

Select this option to generate a temporary password for the user. The user can log in with the temporary password and change the password using the My Profile page.

Temporary password will expire after

Specify the duration after which the temporary password expires. The user must log in within this duration and change the temporary password; after the expiry of the password, the user is not allowed to log in. The default is 24 hours and the range is 1 through 10,000 hours.


This field is visible only if the Temporary Password check box is selected.

Temporary Password

Displays the system-generated temporary password. Click the Generate button to generate another password


This field is visible only if the Temporary Password check box is selected.

E-mail password to user

Select this check box to send the generated temporary password to the e-mail address specified for the user.

This check box is enabled only when the SMTP server is configured for Junos Space. If the e-mail does not reach the user or the password is lost, the administrator must generate a new temporary password. There is no option to resend the old temporary password.


This field is visible only if the Temporary Password check box is selected.


Enter a password for the user.

The password must be at least six characters long, contain at least one lowercase letter, contain at least one number that is not in the last position, must not contain the username or the username in reverse, and must not have three characters repeated in succession.

The password strength indicator displays the efficiency of the password that you entered.


You cannot proceed to the next step if the password strength indicator shows that the password is weak.

Confirm Password

Reenter the password for confirmation.

First Name

Enter a string of alphanumeric characters and some special characters (- _ . @). The maximum length is 32 characters.

Last Name

Enter a string of alphanumeric characters and some special characters (- _ . @). The maximum length is 32 characters.

E-Mail Address

Enter a valid e-mail address in the user@domain format.

Maximum Concurrent UI Sessions

Select the global setting or specify the maximum number of concurrent UI sessions allowed. The range is 0 through 999; 0 indicates unlimited concurrent UI sessions.

X.509 Certificate File

Upload an X.509 certificate file (.cer, .crt, or .pem extension), which is used to authenticate the user instead of the username and password.

Click Next to continue.

Role Assignment

Use Same Roles Assigned to

Specify the username of an existing user whose roles you want to assign to the new user.

The roles for the user that you selected are displayed in the Selected column of the Role field.


Select one or more roles in the Available column and click the forward arrow to confirm your selection.

The selected roles are displayed in the Selected column.


You must select at least one role.

Job Management View

Select whether the user can view only the jobs triggered by that user (the default) or all jobs.

Click Back to return to the previous section or Next to continue.

Domain Assignment

Use Same Domains Assigned to

Specify the username of an existing user whose domains you want to assign to the new user.

Available Domains

Select one or more domains to assign to the user. If you select a domain with subdomains, the subdomains are also included. You must select at least one domain.

If you do not assign a domain to the user, the Global domain is assigned to the user by default.

Click Back to return to the previous section or Finish to go to a summary page.