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Clone, Edit, and Delete DNS Security and ETI Profile

Clone a DNS Security and ETI Profile

To clone a DNS Security and ETI profile:

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > DNS Security & ETI Profile.

    The DNS Security and ETI Profile page is displayed.

  2. Select a profile and select Clone from the More list.

    The Clone DNS Security & ETI profile page is displayed.

  3. Configure the values as described in Create a DNS Security and ETI Profile.
  4. Click OK.

Edit a DNS Security and ETI Profile

To edit a DNS Security and ETI profile:

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > DNS Security & ETI Profile.

    The DNS Security and ETI Profile page is displayed.

  2. Select a profile, right-click and select Edit, or click the pencil icon.

    The Modify DNS Security & ETI Profile page is displayed.

  3. Edit the required details.
  4. Click OK.

Delete a DNS Security and ETI Profile

To delete a DNS Security and ETI profile:

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > DNS Security & ETI Profile.

    The DNS Security and ETI Profile page is displayed.

  2. Select a profile, right-click and select Delete, or click the Delete icon.

    A confirmation pop up is displayed.

  3. Click Yes.