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Importing Policies

Starting in Security Director Release 16.1, you can import policy details from a ZIP file to Security Director.

  • You can import zipped policies that are in XML format. The XML format of the policy must match with the export policy zip format.

  • The import ZIP file must contain policy details of the same Security Director release. You cannot import policy details of the previous release to the current release.

To import policy details:

  1. Select Configure >Policy-Name Policy > Policies.

    The Policies landing page appears.

  2. Select Import Policy From ZIP File from the More menu.

    The Select ZIP File page appears.

  3. Click Browse to browse to a location where a ZIP file containing policy details is saved.
  4. Select the ZIP file and click OK.

    If there are any conflicts with the imported objects, Object Conflict Resolution (OCR) is done. The OCR window displays all the conflicts.

  5. After resolving the conflicts, click Next to view the OCR summary report.
  6. Click Finish to import the ZIP file.

    A progress bar appears showing the status of the file upload. Once the import is successful, the policy details are shown on the Policies page.

Release History Table
Starting in Security Director Release 16.1, you can import policy details from a ZIP file to Security Director.