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Showing Duplicate Policies and Objects

To display duplicate objects:

  1. Select the check box beside the object(s).
  2. Right-click the object(s) or select Show Duplicates from the More list.

    The Show Duplicates page appears, which displays the duplicate objects.

  3. Select the duplicate object(s), and perform any of the following actions:
    • To merge policies or objects, select multiple policies, right-click or select Merge from the More list.

      The merge operation deletes or replaces the reference for only the custom services and not the predefined services. If the selected duplicate objects are referenced in any other services (firewall policy) and security objects (service groups), a warning message is provided before the objects are merged.

      Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 18.4, you can view duplicate objects in Show Duplicates page from parent domain and subdomains. You can merge shared objects from parent domain to subdomain and vice versa.


      You can view the duplicate objects of subdomain only if the users of the subdomain have read and execute privileges to parent domain objects.

    • To locate the usage of the duplicate objects, select a policy or shared object, right-click or select Find usage from More list.


    • To delete the policies or shared objects, select the policies or shared objects, right-click and select Delete or click delete icon. You can delete objects only from current domain. If you select multiple objects from across the domains, then the delete option is disabled.