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Modifying the Routing Instances Configuration for Security Devices

You can use the Routing Instances section on the Modify Configuration page to view, create, edit, or delete routing instances on the device. You can activate or deactivate a routing instance or toggle the status of one or more routing instances.


Refer to the Junos OS documentation (available at for a particular release and device. There you can find detailed information on the configuration parameters for that device.

To modify the routing instances configuration:

  1. Select Devices > Security Devices.

    The Security Devices page appears.

  2. Select the devices whose configuration you want to modify.
  3. From the More or right-click menu, select Configuration > Modify Configuration.

    The Modify Configuration page appears.

  4. Click the Routing Instances link in the left-navigation menu.

    The Routing Instances section on the Modify Configuration page is displayed. The existing routing instances are displayed in a table. The actions that you can perform in this page are provided in Table 1.

  5. After modifying the configuration, you can cancel the changes, save the changes, preview the changes, or save the changes and deploy the configuration on the device. See Modifying the Configuration of Security Devices.
Table 1: Routing Instances Actions



Create a routing instance


For tenant systems, new routing instance cannot be created.

Click the + icon to create a routing instance.

The Create Routing Instance page appears. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 2 and click OK.

The routing instance is created and you are returned to the Routing Instances section on the Modify Configuration page.

Modify a routing instance

Select a routing instance and click the pencil icon.

The Edit Routing Instance page appears, showing the same fields that are presented when you create a routing instance. You can modify some of the fields on this page. See Table 2 for an explanation of the fields. After you have modified the routing instance, click OK.

The changes are saved and you are returned to the Routing Instances section on the Modify Configuration page.

Delete routing instances

Select one or more routing instances and click the X icon to delete the routes.

The Warning page appears. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. The selected routing instances are deleted.

View or configure static routes for an existing routing instance

View or configure static routes for the routing instance by clicking the view/configure link in the Static Route column. The Static Routes page appears. The field and actions on this page are the same as the ones in the Static Routes section on the Modify Configuration page. See Modifying the Static Routes Configuration for Security Devices.

Activate routing instances

Select one or more deactivated routing instances. From the More or right-click menu, select Activate.

The routing instances are activated and their status is changed to Activated.

Deactivate routing instances

Select one or more activated routing instances. From the More or right-click menu, select Deactivate.

The routing instances are deactivated and their status is changed to Deactivated.

Toggle the status of a routing instance

Select one or more routing instances. From the More or right-click menu, select Toggle.

The activated routing instances are deactivated and the deactivated routing instances are activated.


The Toggle option is enabled only when the selected routing instances are a mix of activated and deactivated records.


For tenant systems, new routing instance cannot be created.

Table 2: Create Routing Instance Settings




Enter a name for the routing instance; no special characters are allowed and the keyword default cannot be used. The routing instance name must be unique and must contain a corresponding IP unicast table.


Enter a description for the routing instance. We recommend that you enter a maximum of 255 characters.


From the interfaces displayed in the Available column, select one or more interfaces to associate with the routing instance.