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Creating Domains in Security Director

Use the Add Domain page to create new domains and assign users or devices to the domains.

You add a domain when you want to create a logical grouping of objects and users. The top-level domain is called the Global domain and is created by the system. You can add up to five levels of subdomains under the Global domain.

Before You Begin

To configure a domain:

  1. Select Administration > Users & Roles > Domains.

    The Domains page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Add Domain page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.

    Fields marked with * are mandatory

  4. Click OK.

    A new domain is created and you are returned to the Domains page.

Table 1: Domain Settings



Domain Information

Domain Name

Enter a unique string containing only alphanumeric characters and some special characters (_ .). No spaces are allowed and the maximum length is 254 characters.

Allow users of this domain to have read and execute access to parent domain objects

Select the check box to allow users of this domain to have read and execute access to the objects in the parent domain.


Enter a string containing alphanumeric characters and some special characters (_ . @). The maximum length is 255 characters.

Click Next to continue.

User Assignment


Select the users that you want to assign to the domain by clicking the check box corresponding to the users.


Users will lose some privileges when they are moved to the child-domain

Click Back to return to the previous section or Next to continue.

Device Assignment


Select the devices that you want to assign to the domain by clicking the check box corresponding to the devices.

Click Back to return to the previous section or Finish to go to a summary page.