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Device Profiles Main Page Fields

Use the Device Profiles main page to get an overall, high-level view of your device profile settings. You can filter and sort this information to get a better understanding of what you want to configure. Table 1 describes the fields on this page.

Table 1: Device Profiles Main Page Fields




Name of the device profile.


Domain name to which the device profile is assigned.

Antispam Address Allowlist

Antispam address allowlists (benign) consist of addresses or domain names that you want excluded when scanning e-mail messages for antispam.

Antispam Address Blocklist

Antispam address blocklists (malicious) consist of addresses or domain names that you want blocked when scanning e-mail messages for antispam.

Antivirus URL Allowlist

Exception MIMEs and URL addresses that compose the allowlist. The list can contain one or many MIME entries.

Web Filtering URL Allowlist

URLs or IP addresses that are excluded from Web filtering.

Web Filtering URL Blocklist

URLs or IP addresses that are blocked from Web access.


Description of the device profile.