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Assigning Devices to Logical Category

Network Director enables you to tag the available EX Series switches to different categories—Core, Aggregation, Access, or Unassigned categories. Once you tag a switch, it appears under the tagged category after refreshing the screen.

To assign a group of EX Series switches under Core, Aggregation, Access, or Unassigned category, select Logical View in Build mode (available only in Build mode) and select one of the cabinets under the Switching Network cabinet:

  1. Select Assign Device to Logical Category under Device Management from the Tasks pane.

    The Assign Device to Logical category page is displayed.

  2. Click Add from the Selected Devices table. The Please select devices dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select the device or devices that you want to assign by selecting the check box next to the hostname. Click OK. The selected device or devices with the details appears in the Selected Devices table.
  4. Select a role from the New Role list.

    The available roles are: Access, Aggregation, Core, and Unassigned.

  5. Click Done to change the role or click Cancel if you do not want to change the role. The message: Device Role successfully changed appears if you have selected Done.

To assign an EX Series switch under Core, Aggregation, Access, or Unassigned category, select Logical View in Build mode (available only in Build mode) and select any EX Series switch from the one of the cabinets under the Switching Network cabinet:

  1. Select Assign Device to Logical Category under Device Management from the Tasks pane.

    The Assign Device to Logical category page is displayed. The page displays the name of the selected device and the current role of the device.

  2. Select a role from the New Role list to change the current role.

    The available roles are: Access, Aggregation, Core, and Unassigned.

  3. Click Done to change the role or click Cancel if you do not want to change the role. The message: Device Role successfully changed appears if you have selected Done.