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Uploading DMI Schemas

Junos Space Network Management Platform interfaces with network devices using an open API called the Device Management Interface (DMI), which is a standard interface used by Juniper Networks devices. Each device type is described by a unique data model (DM) that contains all the configuration data of the device. The DMI schema lists all the possible fields and attributes for a type of device. The newer schemas describe the new features coming out with recent device releases. It is important that you load all your device schemas into Junos Space Network Management Platform; otherwise only a default schema is applied when you try to edit a device configuration by using the device configuration edit action in the Devices workspace.

Typically, when you perform a clean installation of Junos Space Platform, a schema (usually the latest one) is automatically set as the default for each device family. If an exact matching schema is not available, the default schema for the device family is used.

For the list of DMI schema that you can obtain and upload in Junos Space before you start working on Network Director 5.2R1 Release, see Junos Space DMI Schema Requirements for Network Director.

If you cannot find the schema equivalent, use the latest DMI schema from the main release or contact the Juniper Support. For example, for an EX4500 switch running Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20, you must use the Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20 schema. If this is not available, you can use the latest schema available from the Junos OS Release 13.2X51 releases.

You can download the schema from Schema Repository.

To install or update a DMI schema on Junos Space Platform, see Adding Missing DMI Schemas or Updating Outdated DMI Schemas by Using the Update Schema Menu.