Verifying MPLS LSP Link Protection and Node Link Protection
In Junos OS Release 7.4 and later, you can issue enhanced operational mode commands and receive system log messages that provide more details about the operation of your link-protected or node-link-protected LSPs. The following guidelines explain the type of information available from the output of each command or message.
show rsvp session extensive
—Indicates if an LSP is protected, displays which backup and bypass LSPs provide the protection, and records the history of protection-related events (such as bypass LSP creation and detailed LSP failure information).show rsvp interface extensive
—Indicates protection status for an interface, displays the number of LSPs protected by the RSVP interface, and records the history of bypass LSPs that protect the rsvp session bypass extensive
—Displays active RSVP reservations for bypass LSPs.RPD_RSVP_BACKUP_DOWN
—This system log message records when a backup LSP is not created, when a backup LSP stops operating, and when a bypass LSP carrying backup LSPs goes down.