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Upgrade Junos OS in an EVPN Multihoming Setup

About This Network Configuration Example

Use this network configuration example to manually upgrade the Junos OS on a pair of Junos OS or Junos Evolved devices that are configured for EVPN Muiltihoming (also called ESI-LAG) to an attached server (host).

This example is based on a pre-existing edge-routed bridging (ERB) EVPN configuration using QFX switches. The steps demonstrated here are also applicable to centrally-routed bridging (CRB) and bridged overlay EVPN architectures.

For details on supported platforms and Junos or Junos Evolved release support for EVPN ESI-LAG, see Feature Explorer.

Example: Upgrade Junos OS in an EVPN Multihoming Use Case


Use this procedure to upgrade a pair of QFX series leaf switches that are configured to support EVPN Multihomed host attachments.

Before you begin:

  • Make sure console access is available for both leaf devices.

  • Make sure the host MAC address is present in the EVPN database of both leaf devices.

  • It is recommended that you configure a hold-time up timer value of 60 seconds (60000 milliseconds), on the LAG interfaces at both leaf switches. Refer to hold-time for details on this option. Configuring a hold up timer helps ensure that the host facing LAG member interface does not become operational before the switch has completed its BGP route exchange after a reboot event.

  • This example generates pings from the multihomed host to the virtual gateway address configured on the VLAN’s IRB interface. You must add the virtual-gateway-accept-data option to the IRB interfaces of both switches in order for them to generate ping replies.

This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • Two QFX5100-48S-6Q devices initially running Junos OS Release 19.1R3.9

  • Junos OS Release 19.2R1.8

  • An Ubuntu or Centos server with a link to both ToR switches. The server is configured with a mode 4 bond interface to support LACP based link aggregation.

Procedure Overview

This section provides an overview of the upgrade procedure. The sequence of steps is designed to minimize disruption when upgrading a pair of leaf switches that support multihomed hosts:

  1. Prepare for the upgrade:

    • Confirm the LAG interfaces are operational on both switches and the EVPN control plane has converged.

    • Copy the desired Junos OS image to the /var/tmp directory on both the switches.

  2. Start a ping from the multihomed host to an overlay destination in the same VLAN. For example, an IRB interface on the spine devices for CRB, or on the leaf devices for ERB. This step is performed to allow you to later determine the degree of packet loss associated with the upgrade procedure.

  3. Select the switch to be upgraded and disable the downlink interface to the server or host.

  4. Upgrade and reboot the switch to the new Junos version. Confirm the switch is running the new version.

  5. Check the EVPN control plane to confirm the upgraded switch has relearned the MAC address of the downlink host.

  6. Enable the downlink interface of the upgraded switch.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 on the other switch to complete the upgrade.

  8. Stop the host generated pings and confirm the number of packets lost during the upgrade procedure.


    The upgrade procedure is not hitless. Packets in transit on the downlink can be lost when the interface is disabled in preparation for the upgrade. Once the interface is disabled the traffic switches to the other leaf switch and continues to flow. In this procedure there are two small loss windows when you disable the LAG member interface on each switch being upgraded. These loss windows should not exceed 50 milliseconds.


Figure 1 illustrates the topology for this EVPN Multihoming upgrade example. Note that both switches have an IRB interface configured for the VLAN associated with the attached host. These IRBs are configured with a shared virtual gateway address of The host is assigned address 192.1689.1.100 on its bond0 interface. The diagram also details the MAC address of the bond0 interface on the host and the Ethernet segment identifier (ESI) that is configured on the LAG interface of both leaf switches.

Figure 1: TopologyTopology

EVPN Multihoming Upgrade Configuration

Prepare for the Upgrade

Step-by-Step Procedure
  1. Verify that EVPN Multihoming is operational. Log into the server and confirm the bond interface is up. While there, make a note of the bond0 interface's MAC address. In this example the host is running Ubuntu so the ifconfig command is used. If using a Centos distribution use theip link show bond0 command. The MAC address for the host’s bond0 interface in this example is 00:1B:21:79:5A:EC.

  2. Confirm the LAG interface is operational on both leaf devices with a show interfaces ae1 command. In this example the LAG interface is ae1 on both the leaf devices. Be aware that the aggregated interface number is a local index that can vary between the two leaf devices. It’s not the interface name, but the configuration of matched ESI and system-id parameters that logically binds the LAG interface between the two leaves. Be sure to confirm that the LAG interface is up on both leaf devices.

    The output confirms that the LAG interface is operation an that the ESI is configured as 00:01:01:01:01:01:01:01:01:01 on both leaves.

  3. Use the ESI value noted in the previous step to confirm the host MAC address is present in the EVPN database of both member switches.

  4. Display the aggregated interface configuration on both leaf devices. Note that the hold-time up option is configured for 6 seconds, in keeping with the recommendations in this example.

  5. Take note of the LAG member interface name on both switches. You will need to shut down this interface on the switch that is being upgraded. Its common for LAG member interface names to vary between a pair of switches. In this example the LAG member interface is xe-0/0/46 on both leaf devices.

  6. Transfer the desired Junos OS image to both leaf devices as shown in Figure 2. Be sure to place the image in the /var/tmp directory on the switches. Typically, either FTP or SCP is used to copy the image to the leaf devices. For details on using the CLI to copy files, see file copy.


    Consider running the request system storage cleanup command before transferring the new image to ensure there is sufficient space for the upgrade.

    Figure 2: Transfer the New Junos ImageTransfer the New Junos Image
  7. Confirm the starting Junos OS version on both the EVPN Multihoming leaves. In this example the starting Junos OS version is 19.1R3.9. For brevity only the output from leaf 2 is shown.

  8. The steps performed thus far indicate the LAG interfaces are operational and the EVPN control plane is converged. Before beginning the upgrade, start a ping from the host to the virtual gateway IP address assigned to the VLAN’s IRB interface. This traffic will hash to one member link or the other. It does not matter which switch the host sends the traffic to because both switches are configured with the same virtual gateway IP.

    It’s important to note that either switch is able to reply to the ping. This means that when one switch is rebooting the other switch remains available and able to respond to the pings.


    In order for the pings to succeed you must make sure the IRB interface is configured with the virtual-gateway-accept-data option on both switches.


Be sure that the host to IRB interface pings remain running throughout the upgrade procedure so you can determine the total number of packets that are lost.

Upgrade leaf 3

Step-by-Step Procedure
  1. Begin the upgrade process on Leaf 3 by shutting down the server facing LAG member xe-0/0/46, as shown in by the red “X” in Figure 3.


    A small number of packets in transit on the xe-0/0/46 interface of leaf 3 may be lost during this step. At this time the ping traffic flows through the leaf 2 device until the upgrade completes and you re-enable the downlink interface at leaf 3.

    Figure 3: Disable the Downlink Interface on Leaf 3Disable the Downlink Interface on Leaf 3
  2. Use a console connection to start the upgrade at leaf 3 using a request system software add /var/tmp/jinstall-host-qfx-5e-x86-64-19.2R1.8-secure-signed.tgz reboot command. The image loading and subsequent reboot processes are represented by the gear icons in Figure 4. The upgrade process takes several minutes to complete. During this time your pings should be flowing through leaf 2, because it remains fully operational during the upgrade of leaf 3.

    Figure 4: Start the Upgrade of Leaf 3Start the Upgrade of Leaf 3

    After the switch reboots confirm that the upgrade was successful.

  3. At this time all underlay and overlay BGP sessions should be reestablished. Confirm that all BGP peers are back up and that the EVPN control plane has reconverged before enabling the lag member interface at leaf 3.

  4. Enable the downlink interface on leaf 3, as shown by the green check mark in Figure 5.

Upgrade leaf2

Step-by-Step Procedure
  1. Begin the upgrade procedure on leaf 2 by disabling its downlink interface, as shown by the red X in Figure 6. Because the pings are likely flowing through leaf 2, this steps marks the second loss window in the procedure. The pings should continue to flow through the leaf 3 device as you upgrade leaf 2.

    Figure 6: Disable the Downlink Interface on leaf2Disable the Downlink Interface on leaf2
  2. Start the image load and reboot at leaf 2 with a request system software add /var/tmp/jinstall-host-qfx-5e-x86-64-19.2R1.8-secure-signed.tgz command. The upgrade and reboot of leaf 2 is as shown with the gear icons in Figure 7.

    Figure 7: Start the Upgrade at Leaf 2Start the Upgrade at Leaf 2

    After leaf 2 reboots, check the Junos OS version to make sure that the upgrade was successful.

  3. Check that the EVPN control plane has reconverged at leaf 2. It may take a few minutes for all BGP session to reestablish and for the MAC address of the host to be populated in the EVPN database.

  4. Enable the LAG member interface on leaf 2 as shown by the green check mark in Figure 8.

    Figure 8: Enable the Downlink Interface on leaf 2Enable the Downlink Interface on leaf 2
  5. Both switches are now upgraded and all LAG member interfaces are again operational. To measure the traffic disruption during the upgrade process, stop the ping and note the ping statistics. In this example a total of two packets are lost during the upgrade of the pair of leaf devices that support the multihomed host.

    In many cases the loss of a single packet is shown when an ongoing ping is disrupted. Regardless, whether it was 1 or 2 packets that are actually lost, the upgrade is deemed virtually hitless. This is in accordance with the expectations of the procedure demonstrated in this example.


EVPN Multihoming is an important feature for a datacenter architecture that must support both high-performance and high-availability. This example demonstrated the configuration and steps needed to upgrade a pair of leaf switches that support multihomed host attachments with minimal disruption.