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Our Insights page gives an overview of network experience across the entire site, including a detailed view into your WLANs, Access Point statuses, Switches, and Applications. View the Insights page for your Site, Access Points, or specific Clients. This week we are expanding the Applications section on our Insights page by allowing you to see the full list of users for each application being used on your network. Use this view to monitor usage on your network and see the amount of data being used per user for each application. See Application usage per client in both Site level and Access Points level insights.
To view the Applications section, navigate to your Insights tab by selecting Monitor > Service Levels. From here, select the Insights tab at the top. In the Applications section, you may click on the number in the Number of clients column to view client usage details.
In the Missing VLANs view of our Action Dashboard, we are improving the graphics view of the VALN Details when you click on the event. A pop-up will show all of the switches and APs with issues, as well as the specific VLANs and ports in which the APs are missing the VLANs. Use this view to easily identify missing VLANs in your network and quickly be able to resolve the issues.