Wired SLEs
SUMMARY Get started using the wired service-level experience (SLE) dashboard to assess the service levels for user-impacting factors such as throughput, connectivity, and switch health.
Juniper Mist™ cloud continuously collects network telemetry data and uses machine learning to analyze the end-user experience. You can access this information through the Juniper Mist wired service-level expectation (SLE) dashboards, which help you assess the network's user experience and resolve any issues proactively. The wired SLE dashboards show the user experience of the wired clients on your network at any given point in time. You can use these interactive dashboards to measure and manage your network proactively by identifying any user pain points before they become too big of an issue.
Finding the Wired SLEs Dashboard
To find the Wired SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the left menu of the Juniper Mist™ portal, and then select the Wired button.

The buttons appear only if you have the required subscriptions. For information about these requirements, see the Juniper Mist AI-Native Operations Guide.
Wired Assurance: Day 2 - Wired Service Level Expectations (SLEs) Video Overview
One of the coolest features of Wired Assurance is the Service Level Expectations, or SLEs. SLEs were first introduced with Wi-Fi Assurance to help you understand the client experience. Now the SLE framework has been extended to Juniper EX switches.
You can see what the performance and experience for wired devices is, categorized into throughput, successful connect, and switch health. In the throughput SLE, there are classifiers, congestion, interface anomalies, storm control, etc. This is where you can drill down to get an accurate sense of what is going on in the network.
The distribution table breaks it down by clients, VLANs, interfaces, and switches. You can also sort by failure rate or biggest overall impact. Double-click into affected items by switches, VLANs, interfaces, and clients.
Going over to the switch health SLE, we immediately see there are CPU issues. The EX4300 shows the overall impact at 74%. The screen shows CPU utilization spiking over 100%, mapped to a time graph to help you narrow in on the issue.
Wired SLEs measure wired experience with pre and post-connection performance metrics to help you understand how the network experience is for your users, wired devices, and IoT endpoints.
Using the Wired SLE Dashboard
For a general introduction to SLEs, see Service Level Expectations (SLE).
For help interpreting the wired SLEs and classifiers, explore the other Wired SLE topics in this chapter.