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Renew a Subscription

Juniper provides 90 days' notice of subscription expiration so that you can plan renewals accordingly. Reminders also appear in a banner message at the top of the Juniper Mist™ portal.

Banner Example

Example - subscription renewal banner

To renew your subscription:

  1. From the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organization > Subscriptions.
  2. (Optional) Review the information about your subscriptions and orders.
    • The status appears as Active, Inactive, Expired, or Exceeded.

    • The expiration date appears in the Next Renewal column.

    • To review the usage details for a subscription, click the subscription.

    • To review your subscription orders, click Orders (at the top of the screen).

  3. Click Add/Renew Subscriptions.

    The pop-up window displays renewal recommendations.

    example: Add/Renew Subscriptions window

    The Recommended Renewals list includes:
    • Expired subscriptions

    • Exceeded subscriptions

    • Active subscriptions that are due to expire within 90 days

    • The recommended number of licenses for each subscription

  4. In the Recommended Renewals section:
    • Select the subscriptions that you want to renew, and clear the check boxes for the other subscriptions.

    • If needed, edit the number of licenses for each subscription.

  5. In the Subscriptions to Add section, select the check box for each subscription that you want to add.
    This section appears if your organization lacks any of the available subscriptions.
  6. Click Request via Email.
Juniper Mist sends an email to support to request the selected subscriptions.
When your order is processed, Juniper will email your activation code to you. You can then activate your subscription.